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I was sat on my throne as it was the celebration of the Opet Festival. Ankhesenamun and Catori sat on either both sides of me while there was dancers, music and everyone was enjoying.....

I was still angry at Catori. A part of me yearned for her but another just shouted to keep it professional like a Pharaoh would do. At night she would secretly cry beside me and I yearn to comfort her but my mind kept shouting she doesn't love me.... only Smenkhkare. It pains me ignoring her, there's just so much that's been happening this past month, my son is growing, one of the kinder things.
I plan on taking Suhad as my wife, it may be the only way to stop the war with the Matanni...as Ay put's it.

The group of dancers finished and a round of applause roared through the crowd as I joined with a smile with Ankhesenamun. Catori didn't, she didn't look well. To think, today I just wanted to see her smile and that smile had wiped a long time ago. She stood up, climbing down the few steps, walking in the crowd and left out the double doors. "You should talk to her brother, I don't think she is okay" Ankhesenamun suggest next to me and I sigh then looked over the crowd.

I was about to stand when I saw Smenkhkare smirk. Something about that smirk turned in my stomach making me uneasy. He walks out, leaving after Catori. Ankhesenamun caught what was happening and she smiled softly at me.

Could Catori really love him? I brush that thought out of me.


I just needed to get away from it all. The awkwardness between Tutankhamun and I was just too much for me. I walked through the gardens as I felt the slightly cold breeze tingling my skin. I was startled when I felt a hand on my mouth "Shh, don't scream" a male voice said and I try fighting him off but he was too strong and I couldn't see him due to him being behind me "Save his soul" he says and i stopped fighting as his grip lightens and let's me speak, I turn to meet someone a bit taller than me.

He looks oddly familiar "Who are you?" I ask him "don't worry about who I am, save him before it's too late. Trust me, you wouldn't want to end up like me" he says and I'm confused. He wore a hoodie, I heard feet coming from behind me as the guy in front of me quickly left. What was that about?
"I thought I might find you out here" the voice behind me says and I don't have to guess "Leave me alone"

"But I can't" Smenkhkare says coming close to me, his large hand wrapping me as I fight him off but he's too strong "I yearn for you, I crave for you" he says kissing me on the crook of my neck "You are my Queen" he says "Just stop!" I shout at him "I am only Tutankhamun's Queen, not yours!" I yelled at him, pushing him away "If you are not my queen then no one can have you!" He hissed and a sharp pain hits my heart, I looked down seeing.......a dagger and b....blood?.....

.....my blood.....

I looked up at him as he smirked, I struggled to breathe as he kept that sickening smirk.


Catori didn't come back. I was starting to get extremely worried and so was Ankhesenamun. We decided to go see if everything was okay.

If I see Smenkhkare hands on her.....i will kill.

We walked out and somehow ended in the garden where Catori spends time in..... "Brother..." Ankhesenamun called out as we saw a pool of blood behind the bush. I hurried front with Ankhesenamun at the back of me, shielding her protectively. We arrived at the scene where we saw Smenkhkare holding.....Catori as she had a dagger in her heart. He looked up with that sickening smirk "You always were a fool to not trust the ones closes to you, brother" he cackles and stands up "You bustard!" I growled going over to him but I see in his eyes, screaming the truth.

He was the one that killed Nefertiti and my cousin.

He cackles running then leaves as Ankhesenamun rushed to Catori's side "Brother..." She sobs out and I quickly come over to her side as well.
"Catori?" I call out but got no answer "Guards!!!!!" They come piling up as I ordered some to find Smenkhkare and others to find the healer immediately as I carried Catori bridal style.


The festival was called over as we waited in the halls by the healing room. Tutankhamun paced back and forth. I've never seen my brother this nervous before "brother, she will be okay" I reassure him "I can't lose her, Ankhesenamun. If I do, I don't know what I'll do to myself" he as his hands shakes uncontrollably, I stood up grabbing his hands in mines as I hug him "she will be alright" I reassure.

'Gods please don't turn on us now.'

After some time, the healer came out and Tutankhamun jolted up from his seat and I followed "Is she okay?" My brother asks "She is alive, my lord" the healer says and we released sighs of relief "the dagger didn't reach her heart but it did cause a scar. I'm afraid, she is stuck between life and death at this point........a coma" he says nervously and I am scared.

"Will she be okay?" I asked and the healer sighs "....We can rely on the Gods from here.." he answers "Can we see her?" Asked Tutankhamun after some time and the healer nods "of course" we get in and saw Catori, laying there motionless.

Tutankhamun rushed to her side, tears brimming down his eyes as I rushed to Catori's other side. Tutankhamun placed a gentle kiss on her forehead "come back to me, my love" he spoke. I can see he is so heart broken but at the same time, he's trying to hide his sobs but failed miserably as he kisses Catori ever so tenderly "I'm sorry" he admits.

I come over to Tutankhamun's side, stroking his hair and he laid head on the crook of my neck as he sobs and I console him "it's okay brother. She will be fine. She will fight this" I say to him. "I cannot lose her, Ankhe" he cries "you won't. We won't lose her, she'll fight this, I know she will." I say hushing him.

I fell in Love with a PharaohWhere stories live. Discover now