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The green grass tingling on her skin as she heard birds chirping, waking her up. She opens her brown eyes to see two beautiful birds on a log, down climbed two fairies from on them.

They were snow white, one had green eyes and the other, blue. She watched as they smiled at her, the green eyed one nudged the blue eyed on, pointing to Catori as she smiled at them and they smiled bigger at her making her giggle. They motioned for her to follow them as they stood up jumping and disappearing into small white particles.

Catori got on her two feet looking around, finding herself in a forest. She followed the white particles of the fairies as they nudged on her cheeks making her giggle. She felt somewhat peaceful in this forest as she walks along. All her troubles she was facing seemed to wash away by every step she took. All that anger, rage, cries, heartbreaks, it was all gone replaced with peace.

She wondered what paradise this place was and if this is a dream. At least, she hoped it wasn't.

The birds chirped along as she walks, the frogs croaked, the bunny popped and squirrels climbed trees with nuts. She heard a sound and followed it, going through big leaves, and climbing over rocks till she got to where the sound came from.....a big white stag with huge antlers.
She wasn't scared, nor did she run, she walks closer to it. Behind the stag was a huge green tree. She walks over the small like pond, on the rocks coming closer till she came face to face with the big white stag.

Staring off into it's eyes as she pets it's large nose, amazed at this beautiful creature. He bows his head

“Chosen one, I have been waiting for you” she hears it say in a deep male voice “You can talk?” she asks

“Binded by one spirit, yes we can. I am the one who chose you for your Destiny” he says “but why me? What special do I have to save a soul?” she asks

“You have many Special in you, chosen one. That is why I chose you. Your spirit is finely pure. You are able to finish your story......it is your destiny” he says and she takes time to talk and he smiles bowing “I give you my blessings. Our souls are bonded in one, you are the life of the forest...if I so happen die. You are the chosen one to bring light in one's life” he says and she smiles softly “And if I so happen fail to save him?” she asks softly as her heart cracked at that thought

“If you so happen to fail to deliver your destiny then his dynasty would be wiped out like it never was.” he says and she looks down “I chose you to save his young soul but you bonded your soul with his...meaning you both are one..now you must fight as one. Your story as not ended, chosen one. You are the soul brought to heal him, bring light to him through the darkest of times. You are the Goddess sent to him for a purpose” he says

Catori's eyes wondered around as she heard the forest ever so alive “And where is this place?” she finally asks “In your Paradise, Chosen one. The paradise you escape to when things do not go well with you. And so I ask, what is not well with you, young one?” he asks and she shrugs “I don't know.....I guess things happen to fast....” she says looking down and continued “....to fast to a state I don't even know myself anymore. Cadie James? Queen Catori of Egypt? A tomboy girl who was lost in a different time......truth is....I cannot save someone... if I don't even know who I am.... I'm lost..” she says sadly

“You are but one person. Goddess Catori of Life and Spirit. Chosen one by the Gods and Men. Protector of the forest.” he address her “prove that you are indeed the spirit that was sent to save the Pharaoh. Your brother tried but failed.....” he finished and she looked up instantly “My brother...?”
“Yes, young one.” he smiles softly at the young girl “you must hurry....for you have very little time left to save him.....I bless you with my guidance through the deepest of times, with wisdom to lead to your way and strength to fight till the end. Till then....we meet again, Chosen one” he says and soon disappeared into small white particles in the air.

The two fairies smiled waving at her then everything turned white......

I fell in Love with a PharaohWhere stories live. Discover now