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I was brushing Layla's hair that surprisingly grew faster from when we left her village. While she played with her doll "Ummi?" She asks "yes?" I ask. I'm still getting used to being called that even though my life was like rushed but I'm trying to fit in. It's been a full month here in Egypt, Ankhesenamun and I have become really close and so as me and Tutankhamun. Jamila was being fed by the wet nurse.

I know I'm not supposed to fret about it but I am. I don't feel comfortable when she's in another woman's arms, I feel more comfortable when she is safe here with me but then again, I don't have milk so....ya.

"Can we do something fun today?" Asked Layla "What do you want to do, orchid?" A nickname i came up for her and she loves it. "I don't know, what do you do for fun, Ummi?" She asks me "well...." I trailed off when we were startled by a throat being cleared, Layla's head shot to the direction and she quickly hid behind me. I looked over the direction meeting eyes of Tutankhamun. "It's alright, you don't have to be afraid" Tutankhamun reassures with a soft voice, Layla looks at me and I smiled softly and she calmed down.

"My name is Layla, my Lord" she says barely above a whisper "no need for formalities, young one. I actually came here to you" he announced

"Me?" She asks confused and I myself give a confusing look "Yes. I want to thank you for helping my queen" he smiles softly and she nods slightly then looks over at me who is a complete blushing mess "would you ladies like to accompany me to the gardens?" He asks and i looked over at Layla who was on my shoulder, blushing she nodded then we got up from the bed.

"What about Jamila?" Asked Layla a bit shy and as if on cue, the wet nurse brought a happy cooing Jamila. She bowed to Tutankhamun and Laid Jamila in my arms "Thank you. You may be dismissed" I say and she left.

We were walking out to the gardens when Layla's kitten, Clover came to her and she picked her up running to the flowers as we chuckled at the sight. We sat on the bench as I held Jamila, I don't know how but she found a way to grab Tutankhamun's hair "ow!" He cried out "I'm sorry" I say and untangled her chubby fist full of his hair as I giggled and he looks at me sternly "I'm sorry, jeez. No offense but that was cute" I say sitting her on my lap and he chuckles letting Jamila grab his finger.

"My love, there is something I must share with you" he says after some time as we were overlooking the quiet breathtaking gardens, birds chirping from afar and near "yes?"

"I must go to battle soon" he says and my head shot to him "What?" I ask "the Matanni have caused a war, they will not surrender unless a war is taken place" he says. Not to be fare, I don't know wars and battles. In movies like Game of Thrones or medieval movies, about battles and stuff, I don't really pay attention to so I don't know what really goes on but I know that death could be possible "you can't" I protest.

"I will be fine. I reassure you" he says with a soft smile shifting a strand of my locks at the back of my ear "but----" I say and he cuts me off "I know. I know you are scared but you don't have to be"

"No, Tutankhamun, you don't understand" I blurt out "What don't I understand?" He asks and I think. Should I tell him?

For Christ sakes Cadie! How do you tell someone they are going to die????! Damn, you're such a fool!

"What don't I understand, Catori?" He asks again breaking me out my crazy thoughts and I stutter "uh.....that .. " gotta make up something! Quick!

"That I love you, Tutankhamun and I don't want to lose you......." I say awkwardly and my eyes wonder off all around. "Catori, are you okay?" He asks. Shit! I'm caught. I make up another excuse "Jamilah is tired, I have to put her to sleep" I say then wasted no time standing up leaving.

I fell in Love with a PharaohWhere stories live. Discover now