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"Where's Tutankhamun?" Ankhesenamun was afraid to answer but didn't have time when "mama" they heat as Kaizer crawled, nudging on Ankhesenamun's foot. She picked him up as Catori saw her son, grown than the last time "he can speak?..." She asks but got no answer as "Ummi!!!" Layla shouts as they ran to her side, climbing the bed, hugging her ever so tightly as they sobbed "You're all so big!" She noticed as a tear escaped her eyes. She was even afraid to asked how long has she'd been out. She kisses their foreheads as Lapis informs "my ladies, the palaces is being raised by the Matanni."

"Then we must leave" Ankhesenamun says "But what about father?" Asked Jamilah "Father?" Asked Catori confused "Tutankhamun" answered Ankhesenamun as she helped her friend up and she collapsed on the floor weak from not moving. But soon, she got her strength as she held Kaizer in her arms and ran out the chambers.

Running in the halls, they were met by Ay "My Queen, the Pharaoh is dead" he stated and tears formed in Catori's eyes as well as Ankhesenamun "Ankhe, where is Tutankhamun??" Catori asks again with authority in her voice "h-he went to war with t-the Matanni" she says barely above a whisper in the verge of tears as Catori started crying but there was no time as men came surrounding them, the King's guards came killing them all.
They made their escape as they ran through the halls, Matanni men charged as the King's guard protected them, stabbing them with their spears.

Jamilah was in Lapis' arms as she cried scared the whole time "hush"

They reached outside where bodies laid but they got to a free chariot, not knowing how to drive it, Catori grabbed the reigns "Ya!!!!" And it started speeding as they past men fighting with each other. "Close the gates!!!!!!!" One man shouted as they began closing the gates "we'll never make it!" Shouted Ankhesenamun's handmaiden "YA!!!" Catori shouted as the horses sped faster, just as they reached the gates was almost close as the children screamed "Catori!!!" Screamed Ankhesenamun as they crashed and everyone fell out. Catori got up, quickly remembering her martial arts class and kicked them enough for the man to fall and took his spear stabbing him.

She went over to the other man, swinging her leg, tripping him and stabbed him. "Lapis, Ankhe, help me!!" She screamed at them pushing the huge doors needing help. The three pushed along with Ankhesenamun's handmaiden as men came running over to them and soon got the doors opened as they made their break for......

Fighting them bravely like a true Pharaoh, Tutankhamun came face to face with the Matanni king.... only his back was facing him. The Matanni king accepted his fate as he turned to the young Pharaoh, wearing smirk on his face as the young Pharaoh limped over to him "It's time you surrender. You have no men left to fight for you" Tutankhamun spoke sternly

The Matanni king wore a smirk saying "you need not worry about me, you useless good for nothing Pharaoh" he spat and that made Tutankhamun angry as he stabbed him with his sword, piercing it straight in him as he still kept his smirk while Tutankhamun's eyes were pierced with rage on his his eyes "I gave you the win, half my men are raiding your palace and your traitor brother helped.....say goodbye to your pathetic Little family" he cackles then coughs out blood as Tutankhamun's eyes widen and he dropped him on the ground, limping out the room leaving him for dead.

"Lagus!!!" Tutankhamun shout above his voice "My lord" he came immediately "Back to to the Palace!!! Now!!!" He shouts as he helped him walk as his leg dripped with blood and held his stomach.

They ran as they chased them behind, arrows shot at them but dodged. "Ummi!!" Layla cried as she was tired of running "don't stop!" She shouted grabbing her, Ankhesenamun was drained and she fell tripping "Ankhe!!!" She shouted coming to her side "Leave without me, my friend." She smiled, unable to bare the pain "..tell my brother....I love him" she sobs as an arrow nearly hit them "No!!! You will tell him so yourself! Get up, I'm not leaving you!!" She shouted helping her up and they ran with Ankhesenamun being helped by Catori. They ran and they reached a cliff, down was the Nile River "We have to jump!" Catori says and Layla and Jamilah cry afraid "Three!" She started counting down as the men neared "two!!!" Ankhesenamun's handmaiden was shot and collapsed down "Nenet!!!" Screamed Lapis "JUMP!!!!!!" Catori screamed as she jumped with Ankhesenamun and Kaizer, followed by Lapis, Layla and Jamilah.

"YA!!!!!!" Screams Lagus and the horse sped as they went back to Thebes. Tutankhamun held on to the Chariot, a sharp migraine sent to his leg as he winced and held onto his wounded stomach "YA!!!!" He prayed his family was okay.....

"Ummi!!!!" Layla shouts in sync with her younger sister "I'm here!" She says as she popped up the water. She held on tightly to Kaizer as he cried "Ankhe! Lapis!!!" She called "I'm here my lady!" She shouts "Ankhesenamun!!!" She calls but got no answer, she ordered Lapis to hold Kaizer as they were drifting in the Nile River and she dived down, seeing Ankhesenamun drowning. She swam faster as she held her breathe and got her one arm, she got her other and tried swimming back up but she was a bit heavy. The river just seemed to drag them both down as she kicked as hard as she can, beginning to lose breathe.

'Spirit, help me!!!' she begs in her minds and soon a waved washes over her of strength and she began pulling Ankhesenamun up till the shores.

Lapis and the children drifted off and got on land as they were far away from the palace. "Ummi!" They shout but got no answer as the overlooked the rowing river "Aunt!!!" They cry but they didn't come out. Jamilah started crying making Layla cry as they hugged each other.

Popping out the water, Catori grabbed a brand to not let the river carry them off as she climbed it and dragged Ankhesenamun to land "Ankhe?" She calls but got no answer. She was no doctor but she knew the CPR and in order to do that, she'd have to get the dagger out and Ankhesenamun would loose a lot of blood.
If only there was a healer near by but Catori made up her mind quickly as she shakily took her hands on the dagger and pulling it out, blood pours out as she Quickly did the CPR.

Pumping her chest "stay with me, Ankhe!" She shouted. Hot tears streaming down her cheeks as she bit her lip trying to hold the emotions "stay with me!!" She shouts and listened for her heartbeat and found non. She grabbed her wrist and found no pulse and she started sobbing "Stay with me!!!!" She shouts as she pumped her chest and giving her mouth to mouth but helped nowhere.

She let out her emotions. She failed. Tutankhamun is dead now Ankhesenamun! She failed to fulfil her Destiny. She sobs out laying next Ankhesenamun, hugging her motionless body till she coughs out water "Ankhe?" Ankhesenamun coughed out water as jolted up and fell back down but Catori caught her in her arms "Ahh!!!!" She screamed holding her wounded stomach "sh, Shh. It's okay, it's okay" she reassured her as Ankhesenamun began crying "Catori, I cannot lose Tutankhamun. He is my only brother" she cries not caring how painful the wound was, her heart was much more painful "Listen!" She shouts "we're not losing Tutankhamun! Do you understand me?" She says sternly and Ankhesenamun nods as Catori helped her up "Ummi!!!" They look up to see Jamilah and Layla coming with Lapis as she had Kaizer in her arms.

They both hugged Ankhesenamun and Catori. Their reunion was cut short when they heard horse hooves and they gasped when they saw a chariot. The familiar guy from the festival came "you" Catori stated getting front of them protectively "can we trust you?" She asks with raised brows "you need not worry. I have shelter, i can be trusted" he nods and Catori looked back "He can be trusted" nodding to them "Are you sure, Catori?" Asked Ankhesenamun and she replied with a nod "yes"

Soon, the rode on his chariot. His horse was brown as it neighed while running as the sun was creeping up on the earth's surface. Ankhesenamun looked down, she only prayed to the Gods his brother will be okay "Ankhe...." Catori calls and she looks up "Do not worry....." She swallow the lump "He promised he'd come back so we must have f---" she was rudely cut of by Jamilah "FATHER!!!!!!!" She screamed on top of her little lungs as everyone was startled when they saw a Chariot opposite them and they almost got knocked out as they stopped the Chariot and Jamilah ran out "Jamilah!!!!" Lapis calls but got ignore as she ran forward.

They saw Tutankhamun on the Chariot with Lagus. Catori rushed to him as fast as she could followed by Layla, Ankhesenamun and Lapis.

Tutankhamun stumbled down as they hugged. Ankhesenamun rushed to her brother's side as they were in a big family hug. Catori hugged his torso, Layla hugged his hips while Jamilah hugged his right leg, Ankhesenamun hugged his arms as they all cried "I was so worried" he admitted with tears streaming down his eyes, a lump forming in his throat "I missed you, I missed you so so so much, Tutankhamun" Catori cried out as he ran his free hand on her long black hair that grew fast till down her waist as bit his lips "I'm sorry..." He says and collapsed to the ground and they all started getting worried "Tutankhamun?" Tears streaming down her eyes "Brother???!"

"Father!!!" His eyes began to close "stay with me! Please!" Catori cries.....

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