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“Catori!!” Kenai growls for the fifth time "Shh!!!! I'm trying to make friends with this baby weasel!" Catori snapped at her elder brother as she climbed a tree “Catori, we are supposed to get water not make friends with weasels. Nana will be very upset if we forget to fish too!” Her elder sister Aponi says holding an empty basket that is supposed to be filled when they go back to the village.

   “hold up!” the youngest of the siblings protest and they sigh “hey little weasel, do you want to be friends?” she asks softly, extending her arm, the white and brown baby weasel looks at her scared then she smiles softly, her cute little dimples reflecting in the rays light of the sun.

   The baby weasel comes to her hesitantly, climbing her arm and nuzzling on her shoulder as she giggles a cute giggle “okay!” she lets her elder siblings know “catch me if you can!!” she shouts and let's go of the tree “Woah!!!” Kenai exclaimed quickly catching his youngest sister in his arms as she giggles “thank you!”

   “You could have fallen!!!” Kenai shouts “Well, I wouldn't have if my big  strong brother wasn't here to catch me” she smiles innocently and he chuckles ruffling his sister's long hair “Come on! Let's go get some fish!” exclaimed Aponi “Raise you!!!” Catori exclaimed and the three children ran through the forest to the river.

     Kenai and Aponi grabbed the net, lowering in the river then bringing it up with tons of fish, satisfied they brought the fish to the basket, empty it in it. They went to do the same again for the two more baskets, when they got to the third one, Catori came riding a mammoth cub and went through the net, dropping all that fish back into the water as she giggles bow playing with her mammoth friend “CATORI!!!!!!!!” they both shout in sync only to be ignored.

     Catori stuck her tongue out to her elder siblings as she knew they couldn't get her because she was riding a mammoth......well....not until she was knocked out by a brand on her head and she fell on the ground hard, her elder siblings rushed to her side “IM SORRY FOR THE FISH!! MERCY!!!” she screams for the whole forest to hear as they tickled her to death “MERCY!!!!!!!!” the three laughed it all out then went to start over.

     After half a day of fishing, the sky was turning a bit pink so the three children hurried back home with three baskets of fish. Kenai held on to his baby sister's hand afraid he let's go she'll make friends with a squirrel this time so he held on to his wild little sister. Aponi walked in the front of them both, the walk took some time but they reached the village. Smoke filled the air and they knew that the dinner was ready.
     “There you are, my little orchids! I've been worried” their mother says taking the baskets and putting them down, placing kisses on their foreheads “What took you long this time?” she asks “Catori wanted to make friends with a weasel” Aponi answers “Oh really?”

    “Mhmm” answer Kenai

“Na, can I go see apa?” asked Catori, “sure little orchid, he is with your father in the tent” her mother answers “okay” and she runs to their long house that was the Chief's tent as she was the granddaughter of the Chief “Apa? Papa?”

      “Hey, there's my little wild flower!” says her father picking her up as she giggles “Papa, we went hunting today!” Kenai announced coming in “I know that, your grandpa told me when I came back from the hunt”

     “What story are we going to hear this time, Papa?” asked Kenai, “that I do not know my little warrior, you'll have to wait to find out”

“papa, where is apa?” asked Catori as she took out her fur coat as it was hot and putting on a bead necklaces “he is with the men of the tribe for the night feast “thank you” she says and runs off, leaving her father and brother in the tent to go look for her grandpa

    “Apa!!!” she exclaimed running to him “hey, sunshine” he hugs his beloved granddaughter “how was the hunt? Did you trouble your siblings?”

    “no. I was just making friends” she says and he chuckles as the tribe men chuckle along.

Soon enough the whole village gathered for the nights feast and story. Today's story was about a little girl who saved a bear cub and they became friends, Catori loved that one very much. She always loved making friends with people, animals. She even wondered if the pale skin people her tribe people talk about are friendly.....

      After the feast, the village was fast asleep. Catori was finding it very difficult to fall asleep thought. Her brother was moving and she was okay with that but she just couldn't find sleep, she was way to hyper. Sometimes she has these dreams of treasure, a place filled with treasure but she didn't know.

     With a sigh, she got up from the bed and went outside the tent to get some air. She sat on a log, her little weasel companion sat on her lap “mhmm, I wonder what I'll call you” she says “having troubles finding sleep?” she heard and saw her grandpa, she nodded and he sat next her, ruffling her long black hair

    “Apa?” asked Catori as they overlooked the stars “yes starshine?” asked her grandpa. He has a thing for nicknaming her grandchildren depending on what time of the day it is “i have been having dreams” she says and her weasel was curled up into a bowl resting on her chest “What kind, little one?” he asks

     “I am always in a place where it's gold with treasure” she answers and immediately, he remembered what the Shaman told him;

Your granddaughter is the chosen spirit to save an innocent soul one day”

It rang.

    “Moonlight, remember when I said I named you Catori for a reason?” he asks “yes. Catori means spirit” she answers with a smile and he chuckles “Indeed it does” he says proudly “I named you Catori because you are the chosen Spirit to save a soul”

     “Really?” she asks as a smile creeped on her lips “who?” she asks. She always loved helping people. Even if there are bad people she heard about but she knows that there is good on the earth “I do not know particularly who but one day you will because it's your destiny”

      “Wow! I love helping people! Will you be proud of me when I do?” she asks “My orchid, me, your Nana, mother, father and your siblings will be overly proud of you when you do.” he says with a smile “And we will support you till the end” he finished and she smiled happily then wrapped her tiny arms around his neck “thank you”

    He pressed a soft and genuine kiss on her forehead “My beautiful granddaughter......”

I fell in Love with a PharaohWhere stories live. Discover now