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Eloise Nicole

"Let's make other women feel envy of you."

"What?!" I wasn't able to understand what he meant by that.

"I don't want my Eloi to feel jealous of anyone. They should be the ones feeling jealous of you." He exclaimed which made my heart melt instantly.

"What will you do for that?" I asked again. He brushed his finger on my eyebrows to remove the frown which automatically appeared there.

"Wait and watch."

Saying that he boldly made his way to the stage where the band was playing slow music. I kept staring at him in confusion. What exactly is he up to?

He asked for a mic and held it in his right hand. He then made eye contact with me and winked.

"Attention everyone." He spoke into the mic and every single person present in the party turned to him. He looked at Leena and flashing a broad smile he spoke,

"Sorry, Leena for taking over your party but trust me, you'll thank me later for this."

"Do make sure of it," Leena said loudly.

"What is he doing?" Trish came and asked me.

"Trust me I too want to know," I mumbled as I kept my gaze on the man who was going to do something mischievous, I was sure of that.

"As I have your attention, let me start with what I want to say. So, there is this girl..." He paused and looked at me.

My breath caught in my throat the moment he said that. I grasped Trish's hand for support as my knees buckled.

"Don't tell me he is doing what I think he is doing." Trish gasped.

"I'm thinking the same, Trish," I muttered absent-mindedly and gulped.

Cameras started to flash at him, he waved his hand and asked the media personnel to stop capturing him. "Guys, you'll get ample time to click pictures but let me start first."

The cameras went down and he started pacing back and forth in slow motion.

"So, there is this girl who I met at a party months ago. The moment my eyes landed on her, I was spellbound. I didn't know anything about her at that time, so I was intrigued to know her. She is someone who is framed as arrogant and selfish by the media." He chuckled. He peeled off his eyes from me and set them on the audience, showing that he was talking to them. Everyone was silently listening to him.

"But when I get to know her, I found out that she is very kind, selfless, and loving. And not to forget... She's incredibly adorable. She has temper issues, yes, she's feisty, yes, but nothing I can't handle. Though she portrayed herself as tough, stone-hearted, and managed to keep herself off-limits to men for a long time. But it wasn't hard for me to make my way into her heart. And for that, I feel proud of myself..." He laughed and patted his own shoulder dramatically.

People laughed at what he said, some even clapped. And I felt like my heart was going to come out of my ribcage as it was thumping at an alarming rate.

"Tell us who this lucky one is." Someone shouted from the back which made him laugh even louder. I didn't dare look around. The heat was crawling up my neck. My face had flushed red.

"Yes, we want to know." Another one said.

"Patience... You'll know soon. I won't leave you all hanging." He said, looking straight at whoever asked the question. He didn't look at me even for once as if he wasn't babbling about me.

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