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Daniel Adams

I couldn't sleep all night, I was worried about Eloise. She woke up in the middle of the night, gasping and shivering. She had a nightmare. I consoled her and held her tight in my arms so she could sleep.

In the morning when I came out of the shower I saw her standing in the balcony, watching the busy streets intently. Her back was facing me and she still had my shirt on. The sight of her tempting long slender legs made me hard on. But her stiff body language told me that she was stressing again. I sauntered toward her and snaked my arms around her waist, her alluring scent filled my nostrils. Nuzzling my head in her hair I sniffed her scent. She was so addictive. I wanted to make love to her last night, wanted to take her pain and stress away with my love but I couldn't bring myself to that. Last night she just needed to be held with love.

Shifting her hair on her right shoulder I placed a kiss on the neck then little above, just below her ear. She moaned and arched her back and dropped her head on my shoulder to give more access to her neck. She gripped my hands that were on her waist and inhaled deeply. I showered light kisses on her jaw and then at the back of her neck then shifted her hair to the left shoulder and kissed the right side of the neck.

"You're again thinking," I mumbled, pulling her body against mine. "I told you not to." I kissed her earlobe. She sighed and detached herself from my body and gripped the railing, looking up in the sky.

"How can I not think, Daniel? Everything changed overnight. Despite her mean attitude towards me, I have always loved her 'cause she's my mother. But yesterday's revelations aren't going out of my head. How could she? I mean... Am I just a business deal for her? A fame bearer for her? And she says she loves me. How can I trust her? I don't think she has ever loved me, she has always loved luxuries and publicity. And now I have started to hate her." Her voice cracked.

I sighed and turned her to face me. I cupped her face between my palms. "You don't hate her. You're hurt. Don't overthink, Eloise. I know what your mother did is wrong but I'll suggest you relax and leave everything on time as time has the capability to heal deep wounds. Don't develop hate inside you 'cause it'll give you nothing but torment."

She held my wrist and pushed my hands down and averting her eyes she spoke, "I can give time to my relations with my mother but what about Rick? He gave me 48 hours to answer him and I have only 30 hours left." She ran her hands through the length of her hair locks. "What should I do? I'm...I'm scared, Daniel. For the first time in life, I'm fearing someone. He...he will ruin everything." She started hyperventilating. Not again.

I had had enough of it, I lifted her in my arms and walked towards the couch in the room. I sat on the couch and made her sit on my lap in a straddling position.

"He will do nothing. I'll make sure of it," I said sternly, pinning my hard eyes with her soft ones. "He's coward, he knows that you alone can defeat him that's why he is playing cheap tricks to fill you with fear, breaking you. Enough of fearing that bastard. You were never like this. Where is my strong Eloise, huh? Where is Eloise who never back down without fighting?" I questioned her firmly. She lowered her eyes.
She was forgetting how strong she is.

"Eloise, he's playing with your this." I poked her forehead. "And this." I poked her heart. "He might have made you weak for a little while but what he doesn't know is you're brave, courageous, and bold who knows how to fight back on her own, and this time I'm with you."

A small smile broke on her lips as she nodded her head. I smiled and pinched the tip of her nose.

"Now, cheer up because I want my Eloise back."

"Enough of calling me, Eloise. My full name coming out of your mouth makes me feel odd." She grumbled. Smirking, I arched an eyebrow.

"Why? Isn't this your name?"

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