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Eloise Nicole Adams

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

I pleaded to my four-year-old son who was sitting inside his Avengers tent house. I came back from work and found him sulking in there.

"No, mom. You are late. You promised we'll cook together tonight. You are never late but on this important day, you are. Even dad is late."

Travis complained while flipping the pages of his cartoon coloring book, still not looking at me. He had acquired a sudden interest in cooking so to motivate him more Daniel and I decided to arrange a family cooking night.

"I really wanted to come early but I got stuck in the traffic and I'm just fifteen minutes late champ. Please forgive me." I said as put myself half inside the tent.

This time he looked at me. "Are you telling the truth?" He asked suspiciously.

"Mamma won't lie to you," I said sincerely, bobbing my head up and down.

He put aside his book and completely faced me, smiling just like his dad. "I believe you, mom. I forgive you."

"Thank you, Travi boy." I grinned, tickling his belly. He started laughing out hard as he was too ticklish. I pulled him out of the tent and bent myself on knees to come to his level.

"We still have a lot of time to cook. So, have decided what you wanna eat?" I asked.

"Yes. I want tacos and rice." He said while counting on his fingers.

"What will you eat rice with? You surely wouldn't want to eat plain rice."

His mouth turned in 'o' shape then he frowned. "I don't know. I forgot to think about it."

I chuckled. "It's okay. Mom will cook something. Now, your dad is going to arrive soon, so, go and bring fresh vegetables from the garden then we'll cook together." I said referring to the kitchen garden my dad helped to set up in the side lawn of the house.

"Yay!" I laughed as Travis sprinted out of the room shouting in excitement.

"Martha please help him pick up ripped vegetables," I said to the part-time babysitter of Travis who was standing with us all the time. She was a college student who needed a part-time job. I needed a babysitter for Travis only when I go out for work otherwise I stayed with him all time. I didn't want him to grow in the presence of a nanny.

Talking about my life, it had been wonderful since I married to Daniel. Daniel's family house was now our home. We shifted here when Travis turned one as Daniel wanted our son to grow up here as he wanted him to stay connected to the roots of the family, and also he was done with leaving the house empty. The house was located in the outskirts of the city so the surrounding was quiet and peaceful. It also helped us to keep our son away from the media and bustling city life.

Daniel proved himself to be the best dad and husband. He was perfect in every sense. He shared equal responsibility to take care of Travis. He gave appropriate time to Travis. But being naughty and playful, Daniel's favorite pass time with Travis was to make him cry. Yes, when Travis was little, Daniel used to tease him by keeping his toys out of reach, in front of his eyes until he cried then he would give the toys back to him, hushing him while pleading him to stop crying. Daniel was even teaching him new pranks every day. This is Daniel for you. Playful, naughty, and lively.

When I was staying home, taking care of my family I learned cooking as it was the necessity of our home. Even Daniel learned cooking. Though he was busy with work, he learned enough to survive in the crisis. Whereas, I was a pro now. Why wouldn't I be? I learned it dearly and patiently for three years.

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