Chapter Eight 💖

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"Xander! "

"Uh-oh"Alex mutters as she looks at her brother. Wiping her own mouth smearing the chocolate on her face.

"Yes momma "he innocently says.

"What's that you're hiding? "I ask him .Seeing him wiping his mouth as well.

"Nothing mom ,let's go Lexi "he sweetly says as he holds his sisters hand running outside my room.

I smile at them and walk downstairs with my travelling bag in hand. It's five pm. I thought it is best for me and the twins to be away for the weekend. I decided not to inform anyone .

After a two hour drive, we arrive.

"Where are we momma?"

"We are at my grandmas house princess. "

The house is as I remember. Flawless. Beautiful. We have a caretaker who overlooks the house. She has her own family on the other side of the compound. She's called Martha.

My phone has been ringing since I arrived but I've switched it off now. I had to escape Hunter. I couldn't see him get married. If he decides to fire me then it's up to him. I'll have to man up and open my fortunes . With that thought in mind, I drifted off to sleep.

Hunter POV

I look amongst the crowd trying to detect the person I've been looking for since I arrived here.

"She's not here "Jake says

"What are you talking about? "

"Arianna, I don't think she's coming "he says.

Truly I was looking forward to seeing her. Which surprises me most since I should feel that way towards Rachel which I am not. I try to call her but she's off.

"Where is she? "I ask.

"We don't know she's been gone since yesterday night thanks to you "Adrian says bitterly. That being the first words he's said to me since we arrived at the church. I've tried talking to him a couple of times but he ignores me.

"What is your problem man?" I ask him.

"You want to really know your problem,  here it is, you have made my sister sad and she's no where to be found! "He angrily says.

As he says so, my mind drifts back to yesterday's encounter with the twins.

*Flashback *

"Let me go and check on Mia, see you later man "Adrian says walking out, of the conference room. As I walk into my, office, I hear a small voices arguing. I notice they are Arriana's twins.

"Hey chipmunks ?"I say out loud as they're about to open her door. They stop and look around until they spot me. They all run to me as I hold them. I look at a bubbly Lexi who is telling me of how she arrived here and smile as I feel a warm satisfied feeling . As I look at Xander, shock is an understatement, without knowing, I put Lexi down as I observe Xander. A replica of me or as I think , except he's young. He smiles sweetly at me as he touches my hair. O, feel comfortable although I never let anyone touch my hair, I let him play with it.

"Hunter, I want Momma "He says bringing me out of my dreamland. I nod  as I walk towards her office. With the tense look they all have, I know there is something they're hiding.

*End of flashback *

"Hunter are you even listening? "Someone asks shaking my shoulder. I nod absentmindedly as I look at Max my younger brother. As I look around I notice neither Adrian nor Jake here.

"Rachel said she can't marry you, she's pregnant with someone else's kid. "I sigh and look around questionly  After a minute, with all the details, I run towards the exit. With one thing in mind" They have gone to the hospital. Arianna has been admitted "

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