Chapter 1 :" A Secret "

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Vihaan Mehortra liked his job, when he was young the job aspiration had been a means to a wealthy life that would enable him to take care of his sister Anjali, and when  Anjali became the daughter of one of the richest businessman in India. The monetary aspect ceased to be his reason.         

 As his fiancée would say he liked saving people and extending their life on earth. But with the knowledge came the responsibility as well that there are people who depend on him to do his best. So far Vihaan had been able to deal with his patients with a level of professionalism because while he cared about their welfare, they were usually strangers that it didn't weigh on him a lot until now.              

 " Oh stop looking like it the end of the world Vihaan, everyone will die someday and I am way too old that I know my time is near " Savitri Patel spoke up as she glanced at him.            

" But we aren't prepared to let you go yet, isn't there any more options " Latha Rai spoke up, those two weren't related by blood but by the years they worked together. And they weren't related to him either except by the extension of them being his Angel family.                 

" Surgery remains an option but it does carry its risks.  Considering Dida age, I don't like the chances but without the surgery, there are no chances. " Vihaan spoke up, sometimes telling them the truth was harder than the complicated surgery because it involves crushing people's hope about the survival of their loved ones.               

" Surgery it is then, I can ask a few of her wealthy patrons to pitch in for the medical fees and surgery cost, can you tell me how much it will be " Latha  Rai spoke up, there was a hint of desperation in her voice as well.              

" The cost isn't a concern of yours. Lavanya would be disappointed in me if I even mentioned it to you, I will take care of it. And I will try to book the date for the surgery as soon as possible " Vihaan answered back.            

 " Not that soon young man, There will no surgery until I see your wedding. " Dida answered back surprising him. He knew she was looking forward to it, but still delaying for three weeks wasn't an option either.                 

 Vihaan tried to explain them to Dida but she remained firm on her decision that seeing his wedding was a priority that outweighed her surgery.               

" Lavanya is my grandchild even if I wasn't related to her by blood and I will not close my eyes before seeing her getting married to you, so relax and keep it a secret from her as I don't want her to worry about me when she should be happy " Dida spoke up and she refused to relent on her decision.                  

So he had been relieved to see Lavanya parents enter the room, he had called them the moment Dida was admitted and hesitated to let his angel know because she would worry, he wanted to have the results before telling her and now he may not be able to tell her after all.                

" I see you called for back up " Dida spoke up but for someone whose heart was falling rapidly she still remained strong on her decision that even Lavanya's parents were unable to convince her and had to accept her terms.              

" I will be wheeling you straight into the surgery after the wedding "Lavanya's mom spoke up as she glanced at Dida affectionately. Vihaan had seen death all around him yet losing someone close to his family would be different.                   

By the time the three of them left Dida room, Vihaan was plagued with misgiving about his promise. And his father-in-law being perspective noticed his confusion miles away that he stayed behind for a second to talk with him alone.           

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