Chapter 3 :" Last Camp Night "

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Yuvraj Maheswari hadn't really thought about his sister getting married yet , Vihaan Bhai had been part of their life for so long that the wedding news never hit him until today when the whole family was busy with packing stuff for their night out .            

Camp night is something of a tradition in their family and usually the whole family spends the night outdoors except few occasions when his sister and dad went alone as well . Sometime Yuv and his dad went alone too but he usually preferred going out with his entire family ,the only honoury member invited to their camp night had been Vihaan Bhai and Gauri Di .


Gauri Di used to come with them when they were young and Vihaan Bhai now . So he wasn't really thinking the marriage would change anything until his mother casually mentioned that this could be their last camp night .          

" Why would it be maa , just because I am marrying doesn't mean I will stop being part of our family " his Di answered back with a smile and his parents smiled affectionately at her while Yuv wondered if there was ant truth in it .        

 " Vihaan Bhai isn't coming " Yuv asked a little later wondering why he isn't around tonight .          

" Akash and him are having a boy night out, Now that Akash is engaged to Kavya ,he is hounded by reporters everywhere he goes that Vihaan said he needed a time out ,also he wanted my last camp night before marriage should be with just three of you  . " Lavanya di answered back and there was the word again before marriage as if everyone had already come to terms that their would be changed after marriage.          

As the family travelled to their usual camp site ,Yuv drove the car while his mind remained pre occupied with his sister marriage like never before , it doesn't made sense to Yuv considering his sister was marrying Vihaan Bhai who is part of their family for so long that he viewed the wedding as just a big fat celebration without giving it more thought .            

  Every part of the night out made him more Nostalgic that over the night he was closed himself off and believed no one noticed which wasn't the case when it comes to his family .           

" What going on Yuv, You have been quite all day long ?" his sister asked him as they sat together by the camp fire with their parents .            

 " Well I guess I never really confronted the idea of you getting married Di " he answered back truthfully , his sister didn't play down his reason for being upset but rather ruffled his head in affectionate gesture that she learned from Gauri Di which used to bother him a little when he crossed from a young boy into teen years but not today .              

" It is Scary Yuv ,a little . The fact I am marrying Vihaan is the only reason I am not scared a lot . There will be changes of course I know that but I am hoping that those changes would become part of our life in the future .          

Right now , I am imagining Vihaan as part of the camp night mode often from now and not just as a honoree member but as our family , and I also imagine somewhere down the years ,Lavanya would join us as well . In a way I would miss the fact sometime when it had been just four of us but Yuv I also look forward to having them as part of our life . " His sister answered back suddenly looked wiser than her 26 years .          

" Also imagine Little version of my Princess running around the camp site " his father voice spoke up making Yuv aware the conversation wasn't between the siblings and the parents have obviously overheard them .      

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