Chapter 6 :" Duty Calls "

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An Hour later..

Lavanya may have sneaked a peak at the ring and the man who placed it on her finger , a hundred times in the past one hour, she can't just help it . The excitement that bubbles up at the knowledge they were engaged was slowly taking roots in her heart. 

For a brief moment she had been distract to see her dida looking tired and the doctor in her wanted to check her into an hospital first until her soon to be husband whirled her out to an abandoned room in the orphanage to kiss her senseless and she was back in an hazy wedding mode.

He always looked handsome, yet today he looked more than just handsome.  Maybe it was the wedding glow she supposed as she shamelessly continued to admire him until the sound of laughter changed her object of attention towards her  friend Akash and her cousin  Kavya chatting with dida .

As always Akash had made even the solemn dida laugh, she never knew how he was capable of bringing laughter to everywhere he go and she finally relaxed from her worry that plagued her few minutes ago .

Then her eyes landed on her best friend Gauri talking with her parents and the scene brought her close to tears. She still can't believe it at times and yet she felt grateful that life offered her another chance with her friend .

And her father smiled at her when he noticed she was looking at them and she found the courage to walk towards them .

"Where is Rahul , I haven't gotten a chance to hold him in my arms yet " Lavanya asked as she made her way towards them . Rahul was the link to her friends happiness and she knew it from the moment they met again.

" He must be with Arnav or Ishaan , I can't get hold of him when he has so many to fawn over " her best friend answered back with a smile and her parents decided it was time to leave them alone which made her nervous all over again .

Gauri had been married once before she married her cousin and Lavanya missed both of the weddings ,she didn't know if being here was hard on her and yet she didn't think asking her about it would be wise either. 

There used to be times when she believed she knew everything about her friend until she grew up and realized when it comes to her friends ,she is more often blind.

"Do you know Akash used to like me ?" She blurted out at the continued silence ,not an trustworthy thing to do when she had been blind about Akash feelings as well .

"Yes ,I was aware and what brought this topic on.  Are you worried about Kavya dating him ,you know it not real right?" Gauri asked her back , she was correct in her way but Lavanya had squashed those concerns because she believed Akash feelings for her changed long time ago .

" It is not that , it just when it comes to friends ,I an totally blind on what they are going through unless they spell it out. It makes for a horrid friend right . I wasn't there for you like I should have been ,I didn't even knew you were meeting someone else back then , if I was good friend you would have been able to confide in me "  Lavanya answered back and realized it was the wrong topic to speak  the moment Gauri tensed up.

"Sorry " Lavanya squeaked out as she feared that she made a misstep .

"No , please don't apologize.  It not something I want to talk about Lavanya . " Gauri answered back closing the chapter of their lives forever locked in silence.

And Lavanya felt the sudden need to change the topic and as her eyes wondered over the kids playing with each other , she found one which hoped is a pleasant memory from their past.

"Come with me ,I need you to meet someone " Lavanya spoke up as she dragged her friend towards the kids and found the familiar face she was searching missing amongst them .

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