Chapter 5 :" Engagement "

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Nervous wasn't the emotion that coursed through her but rather happiness as she walked inside the place that had been her home for six years. She was the first to arrive along with her family given the fact she can't be late for her one engagement .

Vihaan is coming with his family and just the thought they will be engaged in few hours made her count down the time with anticipation .

" You don't have enough time to get changed , come on beta " her mother spoke up as her brother carried the bags that contained the Lehenga courtesy of kavita aunty just for the engagement .

When the discussion about venue for the wedding events happened , it had been her mother who suggested the orphanage for the engagement. Lavanya and her family were used to spend and celebrate with the kids often that she realized it was the perfect place to start her marriage celebrations.

The next hour went by rush as Lavanya got ready ,Dida the proprietor of the Orphanage and someone Lavanya consider as her grandmother allotted a small room for Lavanya to get ready in privacy.

Not that the room kept her family away , first Vihaan sisters popped inside to check on her followed by Divya di who had been thrilled to have Vihaan finally get married to her. That she seemed more excited than Lavanya sometimes .

Their presence in her room led her know that Vihaan has arrived as well and the knowledge that he was here made her happy as well ,but her visits didn't end with them as her Ragini aunty with her cousin Meera and Uttara aunty with her cousin Sanjana barged in next to check on her .

And when she was almost ready a knock sounded at the door and her mother opened the door to find Gauri and Kavya standing there with a smile and she rushed to drag them inside the room which allowed her mother to step out to check on the preparation given the fact she knew those two would keep her company .

Sometimes she can't believe Gauri was finally here as her eyes kept looking at her often ,while Kavya being Kavya had decided to took over her make up ,Gauri told Lavanya about everyone who had arrived so far .

Fifteen minutes later ,her mother came back to tell Lavanya it was time to go out .

" It finally happening, and I couldn't be more happier " her mother whispered to her as she hugged her and quickly wiped the tears away .

" I love you maa " Lavanya whispered back as she found words were inadequate to express her feelings at the moment .

Lavanya eyes scanned the decorated room to see the familiar faces of her family and finally landed on to Vihaan as if it was quite impossible for her to look away ,he was standing beside Rajeev bhai and her father .

Looking at him has been enough to make her heart warm , the years they knew each other were few but their heart knew that he was the one for her long back as she made her way towards them .

They all greeted her with hugs and if Lavanya stayed in her father embrace for a moment longer it can't be helped because she loved being cocooned in her father embrace .

" I love you princess " her father spoke up as he kissed her forehead and if not for Vihaan hand the held her ,she probably would have broken into tears . He was her anchor to the world at large and then she was in his arms as he held her for a moment .

" Are you ready Angel " Vihaan asked her once she stepped away from his embrace and all she could do was nod her head in answer and soon everyone in her family took the respective places, while she would love to have the kids around Dida was the one who advised her having close to hundred kids in the room will exhaust everyone .

" Lavanya beta ,this will be your engagement and you don't want half of your family members chasing the kids around while you were exchanging rings do you, the kids love you but this event would overwhelm both of you since it just a small family affair , We can all have dinner together but the ceremony must be conducted privately . " Dida told her when Lavanya and her parents approached her about it .

That didn't stop her from sneaking into the kids hall to greet them when she first arrived before getting ready ,she had decided to have all the kids part of her wedding and as always both Vihaan and her family agreed to it and somehow arranged to make that happen as well for her .

She scanned the room and for a moment froze to see her brother talking with Gauri ,the last time they met her brother had been incredibly rude to her and she was worried that her brother was being rude again until she saw Gauri laugh and pat Yuv shoulders in an affectionate gesture

" Are you happy now? " Vihaan spoke up and she realized he noticed her focus and then his words registered in her mind.

" What did you do , I couldn't change Yuv mind but you apparently did " Lavanya asked him because she knew he had something to do with it given his words .

" I asked him a question , I asked him if Yash disappeared from his life for four years how would be feel when he comes back . Will he honestly think Yash was cruel to leave without a word or think Yash must have had a reason to disappear ." Vihaan spoke up and she had to ask him what his brother answered .

" Yuv agreed that he would believe Yash had a reason to disappear and I told him that was how you feel about Gauri , you knew are all your life and no matter what happened or how she left you for four years that you will always believe she had a reason to do so even if you don't know it .

And it was why you will never think or blame Gauri for sending back your letters unread every single time or even holding on to her silence for four years ,  It was why you would have kept trying till she finally relents however long it took ,  that all I did the rest was all Yuv who went to see Gauri and apologized for his behavior  " Vihaan answered back earning a smile from her as she realized he always understood her better.

The ceremony that followed became a blur to her as her eyes remained focused on Vihaan until she caught glimpse of the ring and her face broke into a smile . There was no need for words but still he held her hand and spoke them anyway .

" Two years ago ,you agreed to marry me Angel and now we are at the start of the journey called marriage . My parents didn't set me a good example on what marriage is because all I saw as a child was the fight and the bitterness around them .

But looking around this room ,I can assure you I learnt what marriage is from the best of them . And I promise you, my angel that our marriage will be just like them where you fill be my better half and partner who will rule my heart forever . " he spoke up as he placed the ring on her fingers and the tears she kept at bay spilled in happiness to see his love for her .

" Vihaan , When we first met you hardly spoke to me and I still fell in love with you and now how can I resist sharing my life with you when you say the very right things .

This ring will tell the world that you are mine but the people in this room already know that I am yours from the first time they met you . How can they not when they all know how irrevocably I am in love with you , so yes to being your better half and partner forever " She answered back as she slipped the ring into his ring finger amidst the cheers from their family .

" We are engaged " she shouted a little later as she launched herself onto his arms uncaring about the cheers around them .

P.S :" That it for now . Let me know your thoughts and feedbacks. Hit the votes if you liked it "

Juanita Reid.

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