Chapter 9 :" The Night before the Wedding"

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"Good Night, Can't wait to Marry you  " Vihaan Message popped in her phone and Lavanya couldn't help but smile at the adorable picture of him taken beside Akash who had seemed mostly drunk, Akash plan of bachelor party Lavanya surmised but she didn't feel the same nervousness as any other bride when they heard the word Bachelor party, because it was Vihaan. And she trusts him more than her life. It was just 10;30 PM and she was glad the party was over soon for them as well

Her bachelor party had a curfew of 8 PM as Gauri needed to be home early for her son to sleep, Lavanya heard from Gauri that Arnav , her cousin was one of the guests of Vihaan party which made her happy as well , she knew the party included her brother Yuv and her cousin Yash. While hers included Meera, Vihaan's sister, Divya di,  Kavya and Gauri.

Lavanya liked spending time with them, most of the time it had been Divya di who had regaled them with the story of her marriage and how she met Rajeev bhai. While Gauri remained silent mostly, even though she was the only other married ones among the group, the topic of Gauri's first marriage as always remained out of normal conversation. 

Lavanya might be curious about her friend's silence but she understood that she had no right to pry into it, also because she knew whatever it was that Arnav bhai seemed to know about it and that was all that mattered because even now Lavanya had been secretly hoping those two could work it out.

But the silence of Vihaan's sister worried her , Lavanya Rathore had always reminded her of Gauri, silent but lovely and yet throughout the party she looked sad almost that she had decided to tell Vihaan about it later but forgot it , he had been worried about his sister as well

Lavanya had tried to sleep but it eluded her, she know it wasn't wedding nervousness, she knew Vihaan and loved him, was excited about the start of their life but it also felt like a bidding Good bye to being Lavanya Sanskar Maheshwari, a name she loved from the day her parents adopted her . 

Lavanya stepped outside her room and walked to the garden hoping some fresh air will calm her nervousness  and found her parents sitting in the garden bench awake as well, they had been so supportive and happy that she never realized it was such a big change for them too.

"Couldn't sleep Princess? " her father asked her and she only nodded her head in answer as she rushed to sit in between both of them and burst into tears, she was a grown up and never really cried that often yet today felt like a good day to cry.

Lavnaya's mother held her still she cried enough and once she felt like there would be no more tears, she smiled at them as if trying to assure them that she was fine now.

" Feeling better ? her mother asked Lavanya and she nodded her head in answer. For the next one hour, she sat beside her parents and listened to them talk, no one spoke of the wedding tomorrow, or why they have been wide awake until now. They needed the one hour of time together.

Lavanya was moving right across the street after her marriage, she knew Vihaan thinks of her family as his family and the marriage won't separate her from her parents, yet she wanted to spend the last night of being Lavanya Sanskar Maheshwari with her parents. Her name may change tomorrow but her right to being their daughter will never change . 

"Good Night papa, mama and I love you both so very much " Lavanya spoke up as she kissed each of their cheeks in a good night wish before walking away from the garden leaving them once she felt sleepy enough. And this time, she drifted off to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow leaving only pleasant dreams on its wake 


"You are not going to start crying now ,are you Shona ?" her husband asked her but Swara knew he was the one most likely to cry then her.

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