Chapter 1: Jeanette

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It was Jeanette's first day of high school. She didn't know where what was, she didn't know anyone, just another locationless GPS.

Her thoughts were on the many other students roaming down the halls. Girls chatting on and on about their perfect holidays, the boys cracking inappropiate jokes and elbowing each other ALL THE TIME and that one gay couple holding hands while walking down the halls.

She was so lost in thought, that she didn't notice the banana peal lying on the floor.

She slipped on it,

and regained her balance just as quick as she lost it.

Jeanette's pov:

'Phew!' I thought, and giggled at myself. Then, one guy stepped backwards, making me trip once again.

This time though, I was too late to save myself. I closed my eyes, bracing myself, and waited for the impact of the cold hard floor.

It never came.

I only felt two warm hands holding me carefully by the sides, firm enough to stop the fall, but gently enough as not to hurt me.

They pulled me up again, causing me to open my eyes again.

I looked at my rescuer just to see two eyes the colour of sparkling sapphires staring right back into mine. His hair was black and straight into a bunch of little spikes.

Well hello there...

"You alright?" He asked in a concerned voice.

"Um... Yeah. Thanks for saving me!" I replied sheepishly.

"No problem. My name's Zack." He smiled warmly and held out his hand.

"Jeanette." I shook his hand.

I could stare into his sapphire blue eyes forever. For a moment it was just staring and shaking hands, until a pair of greedy arms snaked over Zack's athletic body, making him stumble forward.

"Zacky!!!" A dyed blonde girl excitedly squealed on top of him.

"Who's the loser?" Asked the girl, glaring at me as if I were fungus growing on the wall.

Umm... Pardon?

"Sarah, this is Jeanette. Jeanette, this is my girlfriend, Sarah." He said, introducing us, and I forced a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Sarah." I said while holding out my hand for her to shake.

She narrowed her eyes at my hands and glared at my face again.

"I would love to shake your hand, but I haven't had a loser shot yet. Sorry!" Sarah replied in a sweet tone, even though she was virtually spitting poison.


I chose to ignore her little insult, even though 'little' was an understatement of what she just said.

I swallowed the hurt, and looked at Zack. His eyebrows were risen in sympathy, making me feel a tad bit happier.

"Anyways, nice to meet you, Zack and Sarah." I said, then turned around on my heel and walked away.

(Anyone know that song? Zak and Sara by Ben Foldes?)

falling for the boy with sapphire blue eyesWhere stories live. Discover now