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Credit to artist!


"Y/N, stay away from us."


"The Coronavirus won't get me!"

Totty was exaggerating now. You just coughed. Must be because of the rain. Yesterday, you went out with Jyushi for his practice. It began to rain so both of you had to walk back home. Unfortanetaly, only one of you got a cold: you

"Stop being over dramatic. I'm not dying. I just have a cold."

"But that weakens your body, giving the virus a chance to invade it!"

"Fine. Then get near me!"

"I'm fine with that."

(Le gasp) Rude.

You were vacumming the rooms. You started to cough uncontrollably. Apparently, Choro was there. "Y/N, please tell me you aren't infected."

Not you too. "No, I just have a small cold. Don't worry."

"Even if it's small, you should rest. You can get even sicker if you don't. "

"Well, I can't. I have to make sure all of you are taken care of."

"We aren't children. And your health is more important than our lives. Get some rest. I'll be in charge."

Uh no. Choro is a responsible type, but no one will listen to him. And we all know it ends up with yelling. So no. I can't allow this.

"Choro, that's so kind of you. But I refuse to lay my he-"

Just then Jyushi tackles you. He carries you up the stairs into your room. The he lays you on the futon. That was quick. You didn't even got a chance to finish that sentence.

"Y/N please take care. We'll be right back!" He said. His smile was so bright. Full of determination.
(Our baby is taken care of us...CUTE)

You stood up, sitting in the futon. You attempted to escape. That's when someone comes: it was Ichimatsu.

"Ichi! ....heeeeyyy?"

"Tch. You thought you could escape huh?"

"Not really...."

"Lay down."

You did so. You lay down, very nervous of what this Matsuno is going to do to you. Ichimatsu is a softie, but that doesn't stop him from being scary on the outside. You look at what he was doing. He was wetting the cloth in water. For some reason, you felt desperate. You needed it.

"What? You want it?"

You nod. You began to ramble things out.

"Yes please."

"Well, I can't give it to you."

"Please. I need them."

"You need to beg. And repeat after me: oh lord Ichimatsu. Your the greatest of all. Pleaee, I need the cloth. I'm begging you.

"Oh lord Ichimatsu. Youre the greatest of all. Please, I need the cloth. I'm begging you."

He laughs for a bit. He lays the cloth on your foardhead. You came back to reality.

"Hold up. What was that for?"

"It's just something a like to do when my brothers are sick. So I tried it on you." He smirked. Oh, this man is pure evil. He is one sly cat.


Then it was Osomatsu's turn to take care of you. Apparently, the brothers are taking turns. He sat down near you and took out a magazine. It disturbed you. How could he be so confident reading that while you're still here?

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)Where stories live. Discover now