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Credit to Artist

(A/N: TODAY IS MY ACTUAL BIRTHDAY! I'M 16! So I made a chapter using birthday experience I wish for all readers to go through with the matsunos. Happy birthday to anyone who is reading this and it's your birthday.)

"*yawn*, Gosh, yesterday was a long day." You said to yourself in a weary tone. You have just woken up from working on your own. Again. Ever since the Matsuno's left to work at the Musoc Shop, you have been left alone with Matsuyo and Yumi. It was exhausting.

And ironic, since now having the bros away should make this easier than last time. It was weird. But you guessed it was because you missed their yelling and arguments filling up the rooms, heard through every wall in the house.

You stood up from your futon and change. You realized how quiet it was. Which was now even weirder to you. Usually, you would hear Yumi cry and Matsuyo washing the dishes. Maybe today will be different.

You changed into a long-sleeved sweater, with blue jeans, and comfortable sandels to wear. You won't be leaving put of the house since you have done groceries and bought diapers last week.

As you opened the door from the guest room, you felt the eerie cold air pressencing through the hallway. The dark hall was way scarier than before.

You step out of your room, being cautious f your act. You began to slowly walk towards the stairs to get to the kitchen. That's when your body produced goosebumps.

(Someone is watching me....)

You tried to be more focused on something else. Get dustracted from the creepy aura you feel around you.

You could still feel it and it made you even more freaked out. You made it down the stairs at last. You check out the living room only to find no one. It was empty.

You didn't know what to do. You searched in the kitchen: no one

In the bathroom: no one

Outside the yard: no one

On the roof: no one

You were completely alone. You were shivering in fear. You thought of staying calm. You wen t back to the living room and sit down on the floor. You grabbed a manga from the table. That's when you realize what kind was it.....osomatsu....

Anyways, the silence became even louder. It was emerging every second.

(Please tell me its not the rapture yet...)

You stayed calm and decided to watch some TV. But before you could turn it on, there was a loud voice.


"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" You screamed. You slapped whoever was behind you. Turns out it was Karamatsu.

"OMGIMSOSORRY!!!" You screamed again. You tried to comfort Kara, having a red mark on his cheek. You caressed his face toake him feel better. You deeply regretted doing that to your love.

"It-its....fine" he groan in pain.

"Wow! Y/N is super strong!" Jyushimatsu stated.

You looked up to see everyone a bit terrified. Everyone except Yumi. But then they relax and return to their better posture. Karamatsu stands up straight and shows you a big smile.


".....what?! Today's ny brithday?!"

"Yeah....did you forget?" Choromatsu asks.


"Well that makes it a better surprise!!"  Osomatsu said.

"Gosh, I'm so sorry for slapping you Kara. I was alone so I didn't expect simeone come up to me out of nowhere. You guys scared me."

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang