Water Park

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Credit to artist BlackLimes

Credit tooifnafhs

At The Music Shop...

"That was the last box, Dana." Karamatsu said as soon as he finished unstocking the boxes from the backroom.

"That's great. You should relax." Dana walks in the room, and sees Kara, who was still productive.

"No need. I can continue helping you out. If you need me to mop, I will." He says.

In Dana's opinion, that sounded very encouraging. However, she still believes he should relax for a bit. Summer is about to end and its better if he just enjoys it while he can.

That's when she thought of something: if he won't do it for himself, then he might do it for her.

"Karamatsu, as your manager, I will ask you a favor." She said ethusiastically.

"Whatever it is bo- I mean, Dana." He salutes.

"I want you to bring your family into this."

"Huh?" He let out a confused gestured.

"I'm inviting you all to the Water Park."

Present Day
"Alright everyone. We're here." Kara anounces as soon as he enters the parking lot area. Everyone shouts with full excitement. Even Yumi.

"Yay! I can't wait!"



"I'm just surprise you actually had enough money to take us here." Choromatsu bluntly says.

"Oh. Well, it wasn't exactly me who brought us here." Karamatsu states.

"Huh?" Everyone stares at him silently, waiting for a brief explanation of what he meant. The silence was killing everyone with such intense suspense. Luckily, someone broke it. But it wasn't someone in the car.

"Karamatsu! I'm glad you came, and brought your family." Dana, Kara's Boss, says from outside the car. She was standing on Karamatsu's side of the car. Everyone didn't seem to recognize her so easily. After all, its been awhile. That was until they recognized such strict voice. With a pinch of accent in it.

"Hello everyone. I am so glad you all came. I have saveda spot for us to stay. Come out and follow. I'll help you  carry the stuff to there." She exclaimed. She acted with a lot of energy. You didn't expect her to be like that. You always seen her as the serious and strange attitude one.

"Karamatsu, I didn't your boss eas coming." You whispered to him.

"She's the one who invited us all. I'm sorry I didn't mentioned it. But she asked me to do it as a surprise." He explains.

Why would Dana want it to be a surprise? And why invite us? After all the mess the Matsuni Bros did, she still wants us around?

"Ma'am, let me help you." You turn around, to face Dana helping Matsuyo with her bag.

"Oh my. You didn't have to hon." Matsuyo sweetly says.

"Well, no I didn't, but I wanted to. I am always happy to help." She responded, with a cheesy remark. Kara looks at her and then talk for awhile. Their conversation must be joyful, seeing how Kara is smiling with her.

"Y/N, whats wrong?" You turn your head to face the one who called you. It was Osomatsu.

"Oh its nothing." You said, tryibg to glance at Dana for a bit longer.

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)Where stories live. Discover now