12. Lazy day

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Sophie woke herself up by jumping out of her skin, she had forgotten where she was. The luxurious cream Egyptian cotton sheets caressed her, it was almost too good to be true. Had she ended up with Mads last night? The last thing she could remember was beginning to watch that space film. As she pondered the situation she noticed that she was still in last night's clothes, the dress now crumpled like chocolate paper. There was a knock at the door.

“Sophie?” Came Mads' question through the wood.

“You can come in Mads.” She answered. It felt bizarre to Sophie, allowing him permission into his own room.

He stepped through the door with a tray in his hands, he had brought her breakfast in bed, sausages, bacon, a variety of Danish pastries, orange juice and tea.

“I thought you might like some breakfast.”

Sophie closed her eyes and took in the glorious smell of bacon. After taking a much needed gulp of tea, last night's alcohol had left a metallic taste in her mouth, she sighed and relaxed in bed, gesturing Mads to join her on the bed.

“Sorry for falling asleep here last night, I should have really gone home.”

Mads nicked a bit of bacon, smiling.

“No problem, secretly I wanted you to stay anyway.”

Neither of them knew what was making them so confident but they equally enjoyed the comfort levels their relationship had reached. Sophie smiled and returned to the food, picking a delicious looking Danish to take a bite from. As she took a bite her eyes lit up as the icing melted in her mouth, the taste was sweet, perfect and made her melt.

Mads watched her take a taste of his homemade pastries and couldn't help but stare while she took her first bite, it was heavenly. Mads couldn't help but smile, his eyes lighting up in response to her pleasured expression.

“Wow Mads, these are delicious!” Sophie sighed after she finished her mouthful.

“I'm glad you think so. Are they still warm?”

She nodded.

“Where did you get them from? I've never had a Danish that tasted so good before.” She paused, realising that she had maybe crossed a line, “A DANISH PASTRY, I mean.” She nearly shouted, gasping and throwing an embarrassed hand over her mouth. This caused Mads to chuckle.

“You can have a Danish any day my darling,” he teased, “I made these myself.”

“And here I was thinking that you only cooked people.”

“Only on Tuesdays.” He said, returning the sarcasm.

They smiled at each other as Sophie finished her tea.

“What time is it? I really should get out of bed.”

“It's only nine. So you haven't had too much of a lazy day.”

Sophie climbed out of bed nearly tripping over the length of the dress.

“I do need something to change into, as lovely as this dress is, thank you for sending Luke by the way, he was wonderful, I do need something a tad more every day.”

Mads pondered for a moment.

“I can lend you some of my clothes? Unfortunately I only have men's clothes.”

“If you wouldn't mind.”

Mads climbed off the bed and grabbed the tray, piling everything on and leading Sophie down the hall to his bedroom. His room was classy and expensive, he had last night's clothes lay over a chair and his bed had not been made, the corner of the sheets folded where he had climbed out of them this morning. He placed the tray onto the small oak desk which sat against the wall by the window and took Sophie's hand- which caused minor heart palpitations for both of them- leading her to a door. He opened the walk in wardrobe and stepped in. Placing a finger to his lips and looking around the room he finally settled on a white t-shirt and some blue gym trousers.

“How about these?” He asked, letting go of her hand to offer Sophie the clothes.

“They'll do.” She smiled, “I won't look as glamorous as I do with this on though.”

“Oh well,” he joked, “its the inside that counts, right?”

She mocked shock, holding her hand to her heart and making an 'o' shape with her mouth.


He laughed, grabbing her by the hips and swaying her round the closet.

“You know I don't mean it.”

Mads lifted her and spun on his heel before putting her feet safely on the ground, still holding her close.

Mads' laugh came to a gentle halt as he looked into Sophie's eyes. He wanted nothing more than to taste her lips again. So he did.

He was gentle at first, testing the water some might say, but as Sophie reciprocated the gesture he took her by the back of the head and let his passion express itself.

Sophie was taken by surprise by his kiss and nearly melted to the floor as her knees buckled under her ever so slightly. Mads tasted of bacon and cigarettes and it made Sophie's heart skip a beat. Something about today was different with him, it was almost as if he was more alive.

Mads did feel alive, electric, as he pulled away from their kiss, he had tasted the sweet pastry on her lips, he smiled at her. She didn't smile back, she pulled his head, her turn to return the fire.

Mads picked her up, looking into her eyes as they broke the kiss momentarily. Sophie wrapped her legs around Mads' waist and he carried her through to the bedroom to his already unmade bed.

If anything the sheets were softer in his bed and Sophie could feel her ignited flame spread.

Mads clumsily climbed on top of Sophie, kissing her on the way up to her lips, from her belly button, in between her breasts and along her neck until he reached her face. He was taken aback by the stark bright eyes that caught him.

“You are beautiful Sophie.”

Sophie blushed and looked at Mads' muscled arm.

“I think you're perfect.” She mumbled, loud enough that Mads could hear her.

He rubbed his nose against hers, pulling her gaze up from his arm to his eyes and he kissed her passionately.

“You are the perfect one, you make my heart skip a beat every time you look at me and you have the prettiest smile. Min kærlighed, I think I have fallen for you.”

Sophie's heart felt as if it had stopped. Not knowing what else to do she leant in and kissed him, there was nothing more she wanted right now than to have him, all of him.

She tugged at his t-shirt which Mads helped pull off, leaving his torso bare. Sophie gently ran her hands over his chest while he worked on removing her dress.

“Your hands are ever so cold.” He chuckled, kissing her neck and tugging at her dress. Sophie sat up and pulled off the dress, leaving Mads free to observe. Before long they both had all their clothes off and Mads had gently taken her back into his arms, one free hand roaming her thighs as they kissed.

He was gentle with her, his finger tip carefully massaging her sweet spot. Sophie felt blissful and pulled his face close to kiss him before Mads pulled himself up into position. With lust in his eyes Sophie urged him to carry on and oh he did and they made love slowly and passionately. Mads let Sophie finish before joining her in her ecstasy, his teeth biting down gently onto her shoulder as he groaned.

“Wow.” Sophie mouthed as she lay in his arms. Truthfully she had never made love in such a sensual way, her senses were alive yet she felt calm and content.

Mads chuckled and they sat quietly for a moment. He pounced up and threw back his side of the covers.

“Alright lazy, time to get up!”  

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