Chapter 4: Devil's Hour

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[Thursday, February 4th, 2010 - 3:33 AM]

Tommo: harry

Tommo: do you believe in ghosts?

Haz: Yes.

Haz: I didn't realize we would be getting so deep so quickly.

Haz: It's only day two.

Tommo: gross

Haz: You're the one with the filthy mind.

Tommo: yes, and?

Haz: You're so difficult.

Tommo: funny one aren't ya? that's me middle name

Haz: So, you'll tell me your middle name, but not your first?

Tommo: i'll give you a moment to think about that one

Haz: I don't need a moment, I already regret my decisions.

Tommo: oh, hazza

Tommo: you're a disaster

Haz: I'm well aware.

Tommo: you're also distracting me severely

Haz: Not my fault that you can't handle all of THIS.

Tommo: what the everloving hell are you on about, mate

Tommo: just stop while you're ahead

Haz: Title of your sex tape.

Tommo: are you on something today?

Tommo: you know we normal people don't sniff glue, right?

Haz: I don't sniff glue.

Tommo: are you sure about that?

Haz: Yes, drugs are bad.

Tommo: i'm beginning to question the validity of that statement

Haz: Fine, I'll be quiet. Go on then, princess.

Tommo: good

Tommo: no wait what

Tommo: I sent that before-

Tommo: we're gonna pretend that this conversation doesn't exist, got it?

Haz: Mhm.

Tommo: oh, for god's sake

Tommo: ANYWAYS i've heard that 3 AM is devil's hour

Haz: As have I.

Tommo: does that scare you, harry?

Haz: Not as much as your face scares me.

Tommo: you haven't-

Tommo: alright, i basically handed that one to you on a platter

Tommo is typing...

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