Chapter 30: I Love You 3000

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[Saturday, June 19th, 2010 - 2:53 AM]

Tommo: hey, hazza

Tommo: how are you doing?

Tommo: has your jaw stopped falling off?

Haz: Alright, slow down. I die once and suddenly you become Dr. Tomlinson?

Tommo: just checking in, i've got to look out for me best mate

Tommo: have you been changing your gauzes regularly?

Tommo: oh, and did the swelling go down?

Haz: I'm okay, Lou. Really, there's no need to worry.

Haz: I've been getting so many milkshakes and smoothies recently.

Haz: I'm thriving as a person.

Tommo: good, good

Tommo: so, one last quick question if you don't mind. it's not very important at all

Tommo: how much do you remember from the past three days?

Haz: Oh, absolutely nothing.

Haz: It's so weird to forget a big gap of time, you know.

Tommo: i'm well aware, i've had me fair share of concussions from football

Haz: This is why I don't sport

Haz: But isn't it crazy?

Haz: Who knows what could've happened when you were out.

Tommo: yeah, who knows

Haz: You're acting suspicious

Tommo: how did you get that from one text

Haz: Surprise, I'm your FBI agent and I've been watching you from your camera this entire time.

Tommo: you've been what now

Tommo: what have you seen

Tommo: oh god, answer me, haz

Haz: Nice Minions poster behind you.

Tommo: no, that's not okay

Tommo: you don't even know how many years you've just taken off of me life

Tommo: i may just post your browsing history in the paper

Haz: No one reads the paper anymore.

Tommo: i'm fairly sure you do

Haz: How else am I supposed to read up on my local news?

Tommo: the fookin internet, you bloody senior

Haz: Well, I'd be fine with it anyways. No way my browsing history is nearly as scandalous as yours.

Tommo: that seems like an unfair assumption, hazza

Tommo: i'm actually quite offended that you think i'm not using the internet responsibly

Haz: Prove it then, what was the last thing you googled?

Tommo: no

Haz: Come on, Lou, please?

Tommo: no

Haz: I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

Tommo: HARRY

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