Chapter 28: Act My Age

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[Friday, June 11th, 2010 - 1:27 AM]

Tommo: haz, i've made a mistake

Haz: That's certainly not the first time I've heard you utter that phrase.

Tommo: oi, stop being a prick and help me

Tommo: this is serious

Haz: Ah, well, now you've got me scared, Lou.

Haz: Have you really killed someone this time?

Tommo: no

Haz: You've said it yourself, I'm too pretty for prison.

Haz: I mean you're not much better off anyways, your mouth would get you into trouble so quickly.

Tommo: gross

Haz: No, that's not-

Haz: You know what I meant.

Tommo: alright, alright, will you settle down and listen already?

Haz: Fine.

Tommo: i've just gone and bought one of them big bouncy castles off amazon

Tommo: but i don't know where to put it

Haz: Why have you done that?

Haz: What purpose could that possibly hold?

Tommo: entertainment, obviously

Haz: Oh.

Haz: Can I come over and play in it then?

Tommo: no, of course not

Haz: I never expected to be betrayed like this.

Haz: I thought we were friends.

Haz: Five months of friendship, all for what?

Haz: The disrespect, I cannot believe you right now.

Tommo: calm down, drama queen

Tommo: i don't see you paying rent for it

Tommo: therefore, you're not allowed to bounce in it

Haz: You make it seem like this is a proper house.

Tommo: gasp

Tommo: you take that back right this instant

Tommo: i got a mortgage for that thing

Haz: Make me.

Tommo: fine, if we're playing this way

Tommo: it's weird that you still play with lego

Haz: CLEARLY you're a fake lego fan if you think that there's an age limit on it.

Haz: But you know what's really odd is your nerf gun collection.

Haz: It's socially unacceptable for people your age to use them.

Tommo: oh, you just wait until you're begging to borrow them in the apocalypse. you've no chance of surviving without the help of me firearms

Haz: Don't reckon I will to be honest.

Tommo: well, you own too many toy cars

Haz: Are you familiar with the second Ant Man Movie?

Tommo: ah, don't go trying to pull anymore of that bs

Tommo: you and i are both well aware that you don't own shrinking cars

Haz: You can't confirm that.

Tommo: yeah, but i'll sure as hell deny it

Haz: I don't understand why you buy juice boxes instead of a regular jug.

Tommo: they're easier to carry to class, duh

Tommo: really h, are you sure you've got anything going on up there?

Haz: Your superhero barbies belong in a dollhouse.


Haz: They're sold in the same isle as barbies.

Tommo: birth control and baby formula is sold in the same isle, that doesn't mean they're the same thing

Haz: Bet the only reason you're here is because your mum reached for the wrong one.

Tommo: too far, styles

Tommo: me nerf gun collection and i are on our way, and you best be hiding if you want to live to see 17

Tommo: i've had enough of this



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