Chapter 6: What Makes You Beautiful

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[Friday, February 5th, 2010 - 4:35 AM]

Tommo: it's louis

Haz: Louis.

Haz: I definitely would not have gotten that.

Tommo: no shit, once you got to winston i knew you were hopeless

Haz: I won't lie, I thought it was gonna take a lot longer to get that out of you.

Tommo: oh piss off

Haz: Okay, okay.

Haz: I like your name.

Tommo: stop right there

Haz: Why? It's pretty.

Tommo: i dunno, i guess i just don't take compliments well

Haz: Pity.

Haz: You must receive them a lot.

Tommo: you'd be surprised

Tommo: i can hear the wheels turning in your brain

Tommo: let's just get this over with

Tommo: go on then

Haz: Baby, you light up my world like nobody else.

Tommo: i can't believe you've really just done that

Haz: The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed.

Tommo: god? why have you forsaken me?

Haz: But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell.

Tommo: what kind of basic y/n do you think i am?

Haz: You don't know you're beautiful.

Tommo: you done yet?

Tommo: please for the love of all things good, tell me that you're done

Haz: But I want to shower you with the compliments that you DESERVE, Louis.

Tommo: i don't want to shower with you

Haz: That's not-

Haz: You really weren't kidding when you said you don't take compliments well.

Tommo: of course not, haz

Tommo: i can't believe you think i'd lie to you

Haz: Do you go by Lou?

Tommo: only for people i care about

Haz: Alright then, Lou.

Tommo is typing...

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