Chapter 21: Daddy Payne to the Rescue

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[Thursday, April 9th, 2010 - 4:01 AM]

Tommo: piss off

Tommo removed Haz from the chat.

Tommo added Payno to the chat.

Payno: Louis! Hey, how are you?

Tommo: i guess i'm doing fine

Payno: Your absence from school would say otherwise

Tommo: oh come on, you know me better than that

Tommo: me and education just don't get along

Payno: Right, right

Payno: So, what brings you here then? We haven't talked in ages

Tommo: can i not just miss me friend?

Payno: No, not really, you're not like that

Tommo: oi, lay off, i'm just awake and bored

Payno: If you insist.

Payno: What's new with you then?

Tommo: i've started running

Payno: Away from your problems I bet

Tommo: something like that

Tommo: me fish died too

Payno: KEVIN! NO

Payno: God, I loved that one

Tommo: i'll have you know this was kevin #8

Payno: Kevin #5 was superior and that's that

Tommo: i would argue that kevins 2 through 4 were the best

Payno: As if

Tommo: i dunno, i think that's it really, just me usual boring self

Payno: Well, what about that kid you were telling me about?

Payno: Baz?

Tommo: haz

Tommo: yeah, no he's fine

Tommo: nothing much happening there

Payno: Okay, clearly something is up. What's wrong?

Tommo: he played with me feelings

Tommo: he told me that he liked me and then said it was a joke

Payno: Ouch

Payno: And you still associate with him after that?

Tommo: no, i've been ignoring him since

Tommo: that twat's been sending me daily updates on his life the entire time

Payno: Do you think he's worth it?

Tommo: yes

Tommo: no

Tommo: i don't know

Tommo: i don't know if i can forgive him, it hurt so much

Tommo: i've never been that vulnerable before and i hated it

Payno: Love requires vulnerability, Lou

Payno: It isn't always going to be easy, but it shouldn't be difficult either

Payno: You'll both make mistakes and that's okay as long as you grow from them, together

Payno: If he really cares about you, then he'll win you back

Tommo: thanks daddy payne

Tommo: that did genuinely help

Payno: I give you good advice and this is how you repay me?

Payno: You're lucky I tolerate your shit

Tommo is typing...

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