Chapter 5: Oliver

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[Friday, February 5th, 2010 - 4:23 AM]

Haz: Since you refuse to tell me your name, can I try to guess it?

Tommo: uh, sure?

Tommo: bit odd, but alright

Haz: It can't be that hard, can it?

Tommo: see young harry, take notes

Tommo: there was an opportunity to make a dirty joke, and i didn't take it

Tommo: that's what civil people do

Haz: Bugger off.

Haz: Can I guess it?

Tommo: i suppose we'll find out shortly

Haz: Alright, here goes nothing.

Haz: William.

Tommo: no

Haz: Charlie.

Tommo: no

Haz: Oliver.

Tommo: no

Haz: Are you sure? You seem like an Oliver.

Tommo: i'm fairly sure i'm not called Oliver

Haz: Jack.

Tommo: no

Haz: Tibalt.

Tommo: do you genuinely think that my name is tibalt.

Haz: For all I know, yes.

Tommo: do i sound like i belong in romeo and juliet?

Haz: I KNEW that name sounded familiar.

Haz: Not really though, no.

Haz: I bet shakespeare used proper capitalization and punctuation.

Tommo: thou art a wank'r

Haz: That was uncalled for.

Tommo: you started it

Haz: Theodore.

Tommo: aaaand we're back to this

Haz: Winston.

Tommo: stop

Haz: Susan?

Tommo: ffs

Tommo: this is physically hurting me

Haz: Probably because your parents should've called you Oliver.

Tommo: just stop

Haz: No, I don't think I will.

Tommo: ...

Tommo: did you just-

Tommo: fine

Tommo: i'll tell you

Tommo is typing...

Tommo is TypingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt