Part 2

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Sebastian p.o.v

When we got down to the docks and I set up all the food and the blankets.

"Here you go Ciel and Elizabeth also Ciel now your back in the human world because you were born a human then turned into a demon you have your taste buds back. So I made a part chocolate cake for you." I say.

"Really? Thank you Sebastian." He says whilst I get the sandwiches out. I hand them to them and go sit next to a tree leaning on it. I close my eyes for a second and fall asleep.

Ciel p.o.v

I look over to Sebastian and I see him up against a tree and he looks asleep.

"Sebastian seems to be asleep by the looks of it." I say to Elizabeth and she looks to where I'm looking.

"Yes he does should we wake him?" She asks.

"No let's leave him be. This is the first time I've ever seen him sleep and the first time he looks relaxed who knows when he last slept of relaxed." I say. "And since he became king of hell."

"Really wow would you like some food Ciel now you have your taste buds back?" She asks.

"Umm maybe some cake or fruit salad I don't mind which would you like first?" I ask.

"Let's have some fruit first." She says. I get out the fruit salad out of the bag and plates with some forks. I hand her a plate with some fruit.

"I wonder where the other three are." I say.

"Were over here young master." I look to where I heard the voice and see them by Sebastian.

"Ok just don't wake Sebastian ok?"

"Ok young master" they say in unison. I start to eat some fruit then I hear some rustling from where the servants are. I look over to see Sebastian gone.

"Where's Sebastian?" I ask.

"We don't know he just got up and left." Bard say. "Before he left he started to say the name Jess tho."

"I wonder who that is yes I do." Mey-rin says.

"I hope mister Sebastian is all right" finny says.

"I'm sure he's fine" I say.

Sebastian p.o.v

I started to have a dream about my younger sister Jess from when we were young. It started as a nice dream but then turned into a nightmare. That's when I woke up. The servants started asking questions but instead of talking I just left.

"Why did she have to come in my dream?" I say to myself.

"Who is 'she' I she this Jess the servants talked about Sebastian." Ciel says. I really do t want to talk about it now.

"It doesn't matter" I say a bit to stern. "Would you like some cake now?" I say in a nicer tone. I walk back towards where Elizabeth was not waiting for an answer.

Ciel p.o.v

He just walked away from me he has never done that before now. He must really not want to talk about it or e must of dreamt about something personal involving this Jess person.

I walk back to see Lizzy eating a piece of cake and Sebastian up against a tree again with a sad look on his face. His eyes don't have their usual shimmer to them they just look dull full of sadness.

"Do you know what's wrong with Sebastian?" Lizzy asks.

"No I don't." I say. I then see a random girl walk up to Sebastian and hug him the strange this is he returns the hug and the ruby like shimmer returns to his eyes.

Sebastian p.o.v

A girl comes up to me and hugs me.

"Sebastian it's me Jess." She says and I instantly return the hug.

"I've missed you so much where have you been?" I ask. I kissed the side of her cheek which makes her giggle. I take her hands in mine.

"Sebastian who is this girl and why did I kiss her cheek?" Ciel asks.

"Ciel this is Jess well how should I put this?" I say

"Well I'm sebbys sister." Jess says. "Brother who is this?"

"Jess this is Ciel my mate." I say.

"WAIT YOU HAVE A SISTER YOU NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT?" Ciel screams so everyone knows.

"Thank you for telling everyone Ciel." I say sarcastically.

"Oops sorry but why didn't you tell me?" He asks

"It brought back to many memories and can we do this back at the manor I'm guessing everyone wants an introduction." I say.

"Yes can we?" Jess asks.

"Okay good idea"

Back at the manor.

"It's getting late Ciel we should talk tomorrow." I say. Right on que he yawns.


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