Day 2- Meet Jess

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Sebastian p.o.v

Me and Jess spent the whole night talking and how she was kidnapped when she was little.

"Who did it? I will kill them personally." I say trying to hold my anger.

"It was someone called Tom Faustus." She says.

"Well that's good because I already killed him and his brother Claude Faustus." I say.

"Why did you kill them?"

"Well I killed his brother because he was annoying and was trying to kill me and Tom because he wanted revenge for his brother and he wanted to take Ciel and he challenged me the king of hell."

"Wait your the king now Raven?"

"Oh yeah I never told you I've been king for around a year now." I say "I've missed you calling me by my real name don't get me wrong I like this name but it's nice having my name said once in a while I actually yelled at dad for calling me it before the wedding."

"That's awesome Raven but why did you tell at dad for calling you by your real name?"

"It brought back to many memories and I would get to angry." I say.


"Can you two be quiet I'm there are people in this house who need sleep." Ciel yells.

"Sorry Ciel." I yell back. Me and Jess giggle. "I've missed you so much also don't let Ciel know what my real name is."


"I just don't want him to know and it still brings back memories until they're gone I don't want him to know so please just call me Sebastian."

"Ok Sebby"

"Thanks Jess" I lay my head on her shoulder and watch as the sun rises.

(Next morning)

"Ok so tell us about Jess." Ciel says.

"Do you want to say or should I?" I ask Jess.

"Can you say please?" 

"Ok. Well there are some personal things that we can't say over than that Jess is my little sister that went missing when we were young." I say.

"Ok how many years younger is she than you?" Lizzy asks.

"I'm 20 years older than her so I'm 240 and jess's 220 in the human world in 24 and Jess is 22." I state.

"Wait Sebby does the servants know?" Jess asks.

"Yeah they do they found out when me and Ciel got married a year ago." I say.

"Oh ok"

"Wait your 240 years old!" The servants and Elizabeth say.

"Year it's no big deal."

"Sebastian go and take the day off and spend it with your sister." Ciel says.

"Thank you Ciel." I say. I give him a quick peck on the lips. "Come on Jess." I pull her out with I real smile not a fake one on my face.  "Let's go."

"I've never seen Sebastian have a real smile on his face for as long as I've known him." I hear Ciel say.

"What do you want to do Jess?" I ask.

"Let's go shopping." She says happily.

"Ok let's go do you want to run or take a carriage?"

"Let's run it's more fun that way." We take of running until we get to London. The first shop we go in is a dress shop. 

"Come on let's go in." I say. We go inside and i spot a dress immediately I go and take it of the rack. I hand Jess a black dress with red flowers on it. "You will look really pretty in this Jess."

"I will go and try it on then." I give it to her and she goes inside a changing room. "Hey Seb can you zip me up please?" I zip her up through the curtains then she comes out. "I love it please can I have it?" She asks.

"Yes of course but first let's go and get you some heels and some things to go with it." I say. We found some black heels, some black silk gloves and some red studs. "You look so pretty Jess."

"Thank you Sebby." 

"Your welcome now let's go and pay." We go to the cashier and hand the stuff to her.

"Hello is this all?"

"Yes thank you."

"Ok then that will be £180 please." I hand her the money I get the bag and go.

"Let's go get us some normal everyday clothes."


I get some nice black and grey suits and white tops and Jess gets some nice dresses and shoes. We then head back to the manor.

"I had fun today Raven thank you for all the cloths." Jess says.

"Your welcome I had fun today as well now I need to go out these cat ears and tail on Ciel and see his reaction."

"Ok have fun night."


I sneak into mine and Ciels room. "Good he's asleep." I go over to him and strap the tail around his waist and put the cat ears on his head.

"Hey Ciel I'm back." I say and shake him awake.

"Hey Sebastian how was your day?"

"It was great thank you for letting me go out and go look in the mirror."

"Your welcome." He gets up and heads towards the mirror. "What the hell Sebastian is this your doing?"

"Yep you look so cute Elizabeth come here I need to show you something." I yell and she comes threw the door.

"What no"

"Yes Seba- assess Ciel you look so cute." She says.

"I have you Sebastian."

"I love you to now go back to sleep."

"Good night Sebastian and Ciel." Elizabeth says and walks out of the room.

"Night Elizabeth."

"I'm going back to sleep night Sebastian."

"Good night my love." I take off the cat ears and tail and kiss him on the head. He soon falls asleep after that.

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