Prison Riot

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Prison Riot

The horrendous alarm reminded me of a World War II raid siren going off as it continued to blare across the entire prison endlessly. It wasn't too long before my ears started ringing and my head started pounding. I could sense the prison gearing to erupt into a full-blown battle as baton-wielding and mace-holding guards ran past me by the dozens. Another dozen guards wearing riot gear and holding riot shields followed. 

Moments later, the sound of a fight starting reached my ears. From deep within the bowls of the prison, I could hear terrible shouts and screams echoing off the stone walls. I imagined that the guards were engaging the prisoners in an effort to subdue them. 

The icy hand of dread seemed to wrap itself around my throat; my breathing quickened and my throat went extremely dry. 

Of all the times for such a thing to occur, it had to happen while I was in the premises. Talk about rotten luck. Or was this a daily occurrence? Either way, I was not staying here long enough to find out. I would be a fool not to get the hell out of the visit room area and make it back to the reception at the very least, if not exit the building completely until I knew things were under control. I had no way of knowing if any prison cells were nearby, but I would not be taking any chances with my safety.  

Briefcase in hand, I peeked my head through the visit area's entrance for any signs of imminent danger, and when I saw none, I hurriedly left it and proceeded to race back the way I came. 

If I had known the risks -or the sights that I'd be made to see- before coming here, I would have asked for more pay. Or I would have passed on the job like a normal person in possession of all their cognitive abilities. 

Someone's threatening voice over the alarms nearly made me jump out of my skin. A man's voice blared through the invisible speakers, "Attention! All prison blocks are now going on full lockdown! I repeat; all blocks are now going on full lockdown! Inmates must return to their designated cells immediately, or risk a heavy penalty!" 

The prison was going on lockdown!

In my mind's eye, I imagined bars descending from the sealing and sectioning off areas of the prison.

Move it, Julian! 

As I hurriedly made my way to the reception area, I didn't chance upon any more running guards; most likely they had all gone to subdue the riot. I was about to run a particular section of the prison that I'd come from when I saw the telltale orange uniform of the inmates. I immediately hid against the wall as I waited for the prisoners to disappear. 

"Quick man, they're onto us! We gotta go!" One of them rasped, seemingly out of breath, urging his fellow inmate who was leaning against the wall trying to catch his breath, his breathing labored form all the fleeing.

When I peeked again, I saw that they'd disappeared down the hallway. 

Heart pounding, I  immediately changed route and decided to take the way the perverted guard from earlier, Kevin, had shown me. The last thing I needed right now was to risk running into adrenaline-high, dangerous inmates with few to no guards around. 

I didn't remember running so quickly before in my life, the blood rushing in my ears and drowning out the blaring alarm. If I had known how the events of this day would unfold, I would have worn sweatpants.

Oh, there were a great many things that I didn't know about. 

As I was passing the forbidden room, a large hand shot out and grabbed me. With incredible force, I was pulled into the door and thrown on the ground like a sack of potatoes. I cried out in alarm as I fell, and my briefcase went spiraling across the floor, spewing papers from its insides all across the dirty floor. 

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