004. sparks fly

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Jihyun reluctantly agreed to go to dinner with the rest of the members, she had finished up some work at the firm and headed to the restaurant that they agree on. She fixed her hair in the car, re-applying her red lipstick and making sure it didn't get on her teeth or smudge.

She sighed, walking out of her car. Still, in her work clothes, she walked into the private room giving a smile to the only one in the room.

"Hey, the other boys will be here soon."

"Oh, it completely fine. Did you drive here alone?"

"I took a taxi since I was near. I can't drive, the boys said I shouldn't ever drive for the world's peace. I have a tendency to destroy objects," He said sheepishly, Jihyun laughed, taking the cup of water to her lips.

"Well, let's hope I don't find you in need of a lawyer for destroying a whole street." She joked making him laugh.

"That would be horrible, but at least I would get the best lawyer on my side."

"Damn right you would," Jihyun said, smirking with an eyebrow cocked up. Namjoon smiled at her, he loved that she was so confident and powerful. She wasn't like other girls he'd met that were in male-dominated workspaces, she was her own man. Her own boss.

He liked that.

"You don't have to answer me, obviously but I'm curious about your work." He said, sitting across from her.

"You're more interested in my work than my relationship with Jungkook? That's surprising."

"Oh, I'm really interested in that too but I didn't think you were comfortable talking to me about it."

Jihyun smiled warmly at the man.

"Thank you, but the truth will come out sooner or later. I mean, not even Jungkook knows what happened. All he knows is that we share the same father but have different mothers."

"Well, I'd be very interested to hear the story when you're ready, but am I allowed to ask about your work?"

"Yeah, totally," Jihyun said, she took another ship of her drink and looked up at the man. "What do you want to know?"

"First off, you're the same age as me and you've graduated high school, university and law school. What is your IQ?"

"Oh, I didn't take the test."

"What? Why not?"

"I just didn't like the fact that a number could determine your 'knowledge', I find it stupid honestly. We all have different types of knowledge and categorizing people based on that isn't right to me. We all don't work under the same system. Some of us are amazing at work but can't do exams for some reason. I just find it... flawed."

"Fair enough, but that way of thinking is probably why you're so successful."

"What do you mean?" Jihyun asked.

"It's horrible but it's true nonetheless. Law is a male-dominated field, and I'm sure that most of your colleagues are male and the ones who are women don't match up to them, in terms of cases just because they're women. You, on the other hand, you have a strong mindset. You know what you want and you don't take shit from anyone, I respect that." Jihyun smiled at his compliment.

"You seem to understand this well. The world needs more men like you." He smiled shyly. Jihyun could feel herself finding him cute for being all flustered. His dimples seemed to appear when he was smiling but a lot more when he was shy. His eyes turned into crescents when he smiled or laughed. She could feel herself developing a crush. A crush she shouldn't have.

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