15. the truth

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Jihyun sat on the couch with a bottle of water that Jin had given her.

The boys sat around the couch, wondering what Jihyun wanted to tell them.

"Do you remember my letter?" Jihyun started.

"The one the made us ball like children? Yeah." Jihyun smiled softly.

"I said I would tell you everything when I was ready. I'm not ready to tell you guys the details of it or most of it but I am ready to tell you some events." She sighed.

"I'm not telling you because I want you on my side- I don't want you to pick sides. Try not to pick them unconsciously either-"

"Noona, we won't. What are you trying to tell us?" Jimin asked. Jihyun turned to her little brother who sat beside her.

"My mother and your father- our father, they were together. I know you pieced that much together. They were never married but they did have me and they had me very young." Jihyun paused, biting her lip and trying to find a way to break the news slowly. "He left my mother when I was 1, in May 1995. When was Junghyun born?" She asked. The other members sat silently, coming to their own conclusions while Jungkook sat there and thought about it.

Jihyun saw the look on his face changing and she hated it. She hated that she had to tell him, but she knew that he deserved to know.

"But- no. He wouldn't, my dad would never cheat on someone. You must've gotten your dates messed up. Are you sure you were born in 1994? Are you sure your parents were together when you were born? Maybe the broke up but decided to stay in your life-"

"Jungkook," Yoongi said softly. The younger boy looked at his hyung's and at their faces.

"Don't look at me like that! She could be wrong! Jihyun can't always be right-"

"Jungkook, I'm sorry," Jihyun said, her voice was quiet.

"I'll be right back." He said in a hurry as he went to his room.

Jihyun sighed, leaning back into the chair.

"He wasn't ready. Shit." Jihyun whispered.

"With news like that, no one can ever be ready. It was better that you told him earlier." Jin said, sitting back down. He could tell that there was more that she wasn't telling them by how to gears turned in her head. "Is there more that you want to tell us?" He asked. The other boys looked at her.

"It doesn't make sense for you to flee your apartment just because your mom's in town. It's not like your father's in town."

"My step-father is." Namjoon held onto JIhyun's hand for comfort. "My mother and I moved to London when I was six and she met Henry there when I was 7. They love each, a lot. I was just a distraction from all of that love, so I was treated badly."

The boys were silent once again.

"Define badly? A couple spanks when you did something wrong or scoldings?"

"Yeah. But excessively. My mother never believed me when I said that he hurt me, said he was too perfect for that and he wouldn't do anything to me even though they wanted to. So... being around them brings back memories that I don't need and my best friend was concerned that if we were in the same room together, I would something I 'd regret. So... she made me call you." Jihyun said, turning to namjoon at the end.

Jihyun heard sniffling and saw that Taehyung was crying.

"Oh, sweetheart no, don't cry." She said softly, her English habits coming out as she walked over to Taehyun, hugging him tightly.

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