010. opening-up

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Night fell and everyone got ready for bed.

Jihyun sat on her side of the bed, scrolling through her phone and emails, seeing if she had any more cases or any clients that wanted to speak to her when she got back.

"Are you ready for bed?" Namjoon asked softly, the tension in the room feeling thick and heavy.

"Yeah. Do you have any idea what we'll be doing tomorrow?"

"I think tomorrow is more free time and some activity. I'm not sure what Jungkook and the staff planned."

"Jungkook planned?"

"He wanted this to be a nice time for you since he knows it's your first time celebrating your birthday in a while. Plus he gathered a lot of things you wanted to do when you guys spoke." Jihyun smiled at him, climbing into bed with the makeshift pillow wall that Jungkook jokingly made.

The lights were turned off and you could hear the wind outside blowing softly, causing the leaves to rustle.

Jihyun couldn't find herself dozing off, instead, her eyes were wide open, staring at the white ceiling that looked blue from the light of the moon, reflecting onto the still waters.

She kept twisting and turning, not knowing that Namjoon woke up because of it.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon's sleepy voice whispered. Jihyuns stilled immediately. His voice was deeper and it made Jihyun nervous.

"I'm sorry I woke you up. I just can't seem to fall asleep." Jihyun said softly, sitting up and glancing at the man beside her laying back on the bed, looking up at her.

"Jet lag?"

"No. More like insomnia."

"You have insomnia?" Namjoon asked. Jihyun looked over at him with a weak smile and nodded. Namjoon's gaze softened at her confession.

Jihyun didn't know why she felt so safe to talk about things like this with him but she did. She never met someone who could read her like Namjoon did, she usually was the one who read others, and she could do it easily but no one seemed to ever read Jihyun. She was just too hard to read.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Namjoon asked. Jihyun fell back onto the soft pillow.

"Do you want to listen to a very long story?"

"Are you comfortable talking to me about it?" He asked, propping his head on his hand and peering over the pillow wall. Jihyun looked at him and smiled at his compassionate self.

"I think so." She said softly. Her eyes went back to the ceiling. "I was barely 1 when my father left my mother. They weren't married but they were together for a while but at the same time, he was with Jungkook's mother. When he left, I'm 100% sure that she was pregnant with Junghyun." Jihyun spoke quietly, not knowing if the walls were thin or not.

"We stayed in Busan until I was 6. I met my brothers when I was 6 but that meant, my mother saw my father during the couple months I got to see my brothers and the pain was too much for her, so we moved. We moved to London where she met Henry." Jihyun felt tears well up in her eyes.

"I was 8 when they started dating, 10 when they got married and we moved in with him. My mother wanted to be happy and I was a distraction from that. Henry loves my mother, I know that with all my heart but he didn't love me."

"My mom loves him so much, more than me. And to each other, they're perfect. So when I said he hurt me, she told me to shut up. That her perfect husband wouldn't do that to me, as much as she wanted him to. I wouldn't sleep when I was at home because I was scared that he would come into my room and hurt me again." Her voice broke and Namjoon couldn't handle not pulling her into his arms. He tore the pillow wall apart, throwing them to the end of the bed and pulling the shivering girl in his arms.

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