022. alternative

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Celine went home to grab some things for Jihyun to wear while she recovered in the hospital. Jungkook and Namjoon came back while Celine was still here after a nice shower and a change of clothes.

They sat by her bedside as she caught up on the sleep she lost over the past few weeks.

"I'm really happy that you and my sister are a couple," Jungkook says, staring off into the distance. Namjoon looked over at Jungkook. "I'm glad she's dating you because I trust you. I trust that you wouldn't hurt her, at least not on purpose because you want to solve everything, hyung. You never want others hurting and my sister is like that too. It makes me feel nice that you two look out for each other."


He looks over at the elder male with a big bunny smile.

"I know she tells you things that she doesn't tell me, mostly because she knows that I'll blame myself for them happening to her and I guess that's true but... protect her for me and no matter what, please tell me if it's something important. She doesn't need to worry about protecting me from the bad parts of her life, but she does and it's annoying at times. Just... tell me if it's important. I want to be there for her as much as she is for me."

Namjoon gave the maknae a warm smile.

"Of course, thank you."

The two share a smile before watching the girl in the room rest, seeing the healthy glow of her skin return and her bones less present, instead with a plumpness to her body, just how she was before.


Jihyun had gotten Jinho to bring her a few of the most time sensitive cases to her room after she glared at him, winning a few arguments.

Namjoon and Jungkook had to go back to work but promised to come back after they were done and Jihyun convinced Celine to go back to being an intern so that she could learn from the second best, the first being her of course.

She did paperwork while the nurses drew her blood and took her vitals, she made some calls and thankfully, the court date for Sunhee was still on.

"Jeon Jihyun." A voice came from the door, she looked up to see Celine along with her boyfriend, her brother and her partner. Jihyun rolled her eyes, finishing up whatever she was typing before they could take her work away from her.

"You're supposed to be resting, why are you working?"

"My court date with Sunhee is in a few days, the bastards on the other side are letting the media record everything. I need to be extra, extra prepared. Making sure they don't twist my words in the headlines or whatever."

"You've been working on this case for months, you can't possibly be more prepared than that."

"True, but I can try. After all this waiting, she deserves to win. More than ever."

"And you'll win, but you need to be rested and not sick to win." Celine said, grabbing the last of her things and placing it back in her bag.

"Hi love." Jihyun greeted Namjoon, who pressed a small kiss onto her forehead. "Why are you guys here so early?"

"Early? It's almost 10 pm."

"I swear I just started working though, It can't be that late already."

"Josephine, when did you start working?" Celine asked, her voice darkening.

"It doesn't matter- ow! What the fuck!" She swore. Glaring at her friend who glared back. Jungkook and Namjoon stood there, letting the two of them figure out whatever was happening.

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