025. epilogue

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"Naeun, sweetheart, don't do that," Jihyun warned spotting the one and a half-year-old girl grab onto a cable that connected to the tv.

The child retracted her grabby hands, wobbling back over to the couch where Jihyun worked on a case. She shut her laptop, bringing up the girl onto her lap.

"Na-Na, who's that?" Jihyun spoke, pointing up to the camera that showed Jimin dancing.

"Uncle Chim!" She squealed, laughing at the silly dance moves they did.

"How about that?"

"Cookie!" She smiled. She wasn't able to pronounce her J's so they all settled on Cookie for jungkook since she loved cookies, gaining a sweet tooth just like her father.

Jihyun watched as they finished up their show, fireworks going off to distract their fans from their departure. Jihyun stood up, Naeun tugging on her oversized t-shirt as she sat in her arms, fiddling with her hair and clothes.

She and Naeun waited in the green room, knowing that they boys were changing and cooling down. Jihyun started to pack up her case files, Naeun sat on the couch, drinking some water.

The door opened and Jihyun heard her daughter squeal excitedly, she climbed off the couch, her diaper being seen as she ran to her father, Namjoon kneeling down to catch his daughter and pick her up.

"Dada!" She smiled, Namjoon kissed her chubby cheeks as Jihyun greeted the other boys.

"Na-Na, Hobi missed you!" Hoseok smiled, pinching Naeun's cheeks softly, her little smile making the boys coo.

"Noona, were you working again?"

"Yes, bunny. I'm always working." Jihyun said, packing up the files and documents.

"What is it this time?"

"Actually, it involves one of your fans," Jihyun sighed. Namjoon bounced the energetic girl around. "She's a 16 year old, she and I convinced her mother to press charges against her father who had been abusing them along with her younger brother. In her psychological help, she said that your music helped a lot. So I guess that's some light in the dark." Jihyun said as she put her tote bag on her shoulders, holding another bag that held Naeun's things.

Naeun played with Taehyung, giving Namjoon the free hands to grab the diaper bag from his wife.

"Do you think it would be good for us to meet her? I mean I can't imagine what she's going through." Jimin asked.

Jihyun smiled.

"I think she would love that, you'll have to ask your manager first though."

"I'm sure he'll have no problem, we can fit it into our schedule."

"Well, they can talk to me after you figure all the stuff out." Jihyun glanced down at her daughter when she tugged on her leggings.

"Mama, home." She said, Jihyun picked Naeun up, the little girl rubbing her tired eyes.

"Okay, love. We'll go home now." Jihyun soothed, rubbing her back. Security escorted the members out, Namjoon covered Naeun's face with a mask and a blanket over her body. He held onto his daughter's diaper bag and his own, walking a few steps behind Jihyun to the car.

Cameras flashed and people screamed, wanting a glance at the members and most importantly, their leader's hidden daughter.

When Jihyun and Namjoon found out that they would have a baby, they agreed to keep her identity hidden until she was old enough to make her own decision. It was for her safety, especially when she started school.

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