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"11pm. Late night showers are the best" he thought. Summer break just began so it wasn't a big deal staying up late.
Michael went into the bathroom, took of his clothes and looked in the mirror.
One minute was gone.
Two minutes were gone.
Ten minutes were gone and now the tears were running down his cheekbones.
Overflowing with tears, he started shouting at his reflection and hitting his stomach.
He said. He switched off the light and got into the shower.
In the darkness he would not see all of his fat.
Water plashed on his back while he was crying. With reddened eyes he went into his bedroom after the shower and looked at pictures of thin boys.
"I wish I looked like them" he whispered against his phone.
"I'm sure they didn't eat a pizza today. But I did and I need to stop. I need to stop eating. It's not healthy. I only gain weight." He added and last but not least he said:
"What should be about that? Nothing will happen and a few pounds less wouldn't hurt me."

Michael wasn't fat but in his eyes there where nobody uglier and fatter than him.
It was a decision he made in this night, in this second.
He would do everything to get thinner, so he decided to stop eating, losing weight over the summer Break.
But he didn't know that this will be the beginning of the worst time of his life.

He just wanted to be skinnyWhere stories live. Discover now