E i g h t

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We keep the boy under surveillance for a few days and do a few more test, but so far everything indicates anorexia nervosa"
„Anorexia nervosa, a form of the eating disorder"
The conversation between two people has now been interrupted.
"Hey honey, how are you?" his mother answered.
I'll come later again" the doctor said.
Where am I?" Michael asked.
At the hospital"
„Why-what Happened"
„You passed out at school and fell over. You were totally hypothermic and your blood pressure was so low that they, they thought.."she said, gently stroking her son's head.
„They thought I would die."
„Baby, why you doing this to yourself? The doctor told me you might have an eating disorder. Baby, you could die, you will if you continue not eating."
„Bullshit! I feel good. I am good. I do not need any food!" Michael got angry.
„No! Leave me alone" he screamed
LEAVE ME ALONE!" were his last words and with tears in Michael mother's eyes she went outside.

Michael got out of the bed and went into the bathroom.
They lie. It's impossible that I might have an eating dis-" he paused when he look in the mirror.
Michael has only worn loose clothes for months and avoided looking in the mirror. But now he was wearing hospital clothes and had a large mirror in front of him.
He looked at his face, how thin it had gotten.
A tear ran down him.
order. An eating disorder.
Do you like it?" the Voice in his head said.
„We did it Michael. We got as skinny as the models." she said.
And Michael smiled.
„Yes, I like it" he replied.
Stop smiling dumbass. They'll force you to eat and I'm sure you will give in and eat everything in you."
„W-what. No."
„Of course. But remember my words, you-will-get-fat-again"
„No. I promise, I PROMISE" he shouted.
But she was gone. The voice in his head didn't replied to his promise.

I promise it." he whispered and got back into the bed.

Stop listening to the voice. Fight.

He just wanted to be skinnyWhere stories live. Discover now