F o u r

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Two months were left.
Now he not just saw the negative side of an ED, he felt it.
He was always cold.
His stomach was hurting.
He felt sick and weak.
His hair got dry.
His fingernails broke off.
He watched videos of people with ED and looked at pictures of skinny guys to motivate himself to continue, but he was tired.
All his clothes were to big and the shops he usually went to buy clothes didn't always have such small sizes.
Also his parents noticed how skinny he got.

Hey sweetheart, how are you?" his mother asked.
I'm fine."
You sure? Daddy and Me noticed how skinny you got. Do you want me to make your favourite meal for dinner?"
Everything in his head was spinning for a moment.
How he would have liked to say yes now, but the voice in his head said no.
No, thank you. I ate a sandwich at the mall, a hours ago." he lied, cause he haven't eaten for days.
Okay, honey. I still have here a little cheesecake for you. You love this cake, don't you?
„Yeah. Sure I do." he said, forcing himself to smile.
His mother got out of his room and left this broken boy alone with this piece of cake.
Michael looked at the cake at the other end of the room and started to cry.
Bitter tears flowed bitterly over his face and the smell of this cake made his stomach growl.
Desperate he went to the cheesecake, took it and went to the bathroom.
He wanted to flush it down the toilet but tried a piece beforehand.
Without realising the plate was empty and Michael felt bad, even if his body was finally happy to eat.
He slumped to the floor, leaned over the toilet and began to vomit.

It was just a little piece, but even that was too much in his eyes.

He just wanted to be skinnyWhere stories live. Discover now