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*Phone is ringing"
It's Anna.
Michaels girl best friend.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked her.
"Nothing. I'm bored as hell. Wanna go to a coffee shop for a little cheesecake?"
He was about to say yes with a smile until he looked at his legs and remembered the last night.
The tears.
The fat he saw in the mirror.
The pain he felt.
His smile was disappeared but proud he said:
"No thank you. I'm on a diet now."
"A what? Am I still talking to Michael? You love cheesecake. What for a diet?"
"Listen Anna, cheesecake isn't good for me. I am fat and I need to lose weight. So I won't eat anything until I reach my goal weight. I'll lose weight during the summer break."
"Who told you you are fat? You aren't! Stop saying these stupid things! You have to eat."
"No I don't"
"Yes you do! Instead of fat you will lose muscles. How can you do something so dumb. You'll destroy yourself"
She was right. It wasn't good but he doesn't even listened to her.
"You are my best friend! How can you lie to me? We both know I'm fat. You are supposed to support me but instead you lie to me and want me to get fatter."
"No, Michael I-"
Before Anna could end her sentence, he hung up.

"She's not a real friend. Friends should support and not make things worse" he said like she would listen.
She wanted to help and beware him of something horrible but the voice in his head told him something else.

He had a goal and he only saw the good parts of this decision.
But not seeing the negativ side of something doesn't mean it isn't there.

He just wanted to be skinnyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora