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Dear reader,
You see, Michael died because he had lost the control over his „decision".
What do you think, how Michael parents reacted, when they heard their only son died?
They were broken, they broke to the floor in tears.
Both had a broken heart.
It will never be the same anymore.
They son is gone, he's in heaven now.
They will never hear his voice again, never give him a hug again and the will do anything with him, anymore.
Just because of his „Decision" .
Just because he listened to the voice in his head and compared himself with some skinny models, who aren't even happy.
Do me a davor and do not end like Michael.
You can say „it's just a short story. I'm stronger, I won't lose the control"
But trust me, you can lose it faster than you think.
Everyone is beautiful, no matter how short or tall you are, or which size you are wearing.
If you wanna lose weight, do it a healthy way, but please eat.
If you need help, I am always there for you.
Feel free to contact me on Wattpad or Instagram, my name on Instagram is „tenc_ca".
If you don't love the way you look, you also won't love it 20 pounds less.
There are so many beautiful things an earth, you haven't tried or seen, but with an eating disorder, you will never see these things, because you will be too weak.
Dare to ask for help, it's nothings bad.
All forms of the eating disorder are serious diseases.
If you know someone with an ED, Try to help or tell it someone who can help.
If you have one, fight for yourself, don't end like Michael.

Thank you for reading my story. And don't forget to vote.❤️

He just wanted to be skinnyWhere stories live. Discover now