N i n e

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The eating disorder was approved.
But Michael wasn't stupid, he knew if he won't eat in the hospital, They would force him to do and feed him through a tube.
He needed to eat, so when the nurse came up with a meal, he smiled, ate it and vomit it again.
He acted as if he was okay, even if he wasn't.
With his luck, they believe, that he would recover and was fighting for his life, but actually it was all of his plan.
A week later Michael was released and the whole horror continued at home.
He went to back to school and every meal his mother gave him, he took but threw it in the trash.
To avoid meals at home, he said he would go to the mall or meeting Anna.
Michael was incredible weak.
Every step was an agony.
Every movement hurt like hell.
Every contact with food was an overcoming.
Every smile was a lie.
The best time was at Night. His body could rest and he didn't have to hide anything.
But the tears were still falling down, the whole night.

Thank you Anorexia, for nothing.

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