18 - 'you understand?'

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After Boston, they had worked on several other cases. Each time, the rest of the team became aware that Olivia didn't sleep until a case was closed.

"Hotch you need you talk to her." Rossi said as they watched her at her desk.

Emily walked up to them, "yeah, she only came back to the hotel to change on this case. She took naps when she could but a fourty minute nap doesn't make much of a difference."

JJ nodded. "I've tried to talk to her but she's been like this ever since college. Maybe you'll get through to her because, you know, you're our boss."

He nodded and made his way to Olivia's desk.

"Rossi, make it two and a half months." Emily told him as they watched Hotch talk to Olivia.

"Make what two and a half months?" Spencer asked as him and Derek appeared.

"Yeah?" JJ turned to look at them.

"We have a bet going," Rossi explained, "to see how long it'll take for them to get together." He said and nodded towards Hotch and Ambrosia.

Morgan grinned, "fifty says one and a half months."

JJ's eyes narrowed as she watched them. Olivia had made a joke and laughed, she looked to see Hotch's reaction and he had a small smile on his face. "Three months."

Spencer thought, how long would it take Olivia and Hotch to get together? Well he knew Olivia had suffered some kind of loss so she wasn't exactly up for a relationship. That puts it back by at least three months. Then Hotch has Jack, and he needs to make sure Olivia is good with Jack before going into a relationship. That sets it back around two or three more months as Jack gets acquainted with her. "Six months."

Morgan laughed. "You really think it's going to take that long kid?"

"You obviously haven't taken into account numerous external factors." Spencer replied and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah."

"Hey, what'd I miss?" They saw Garcia approach them.

"Not much. Hotch is talking to Ambrosia about how she never sleeps and we're placing bets on when they're going to get together." Emily said.

"Okay. But if they do they're like one hundred percent likely to keep it a secret so how will you know who wins?" She asked them.

"We're profilers babygirl. We'll know." Morgan told her.

"Hmm okay. I say four months." She knew Hotch would tread lightly if he developed feelings for Olivia, and Olivia was pretty good at hiding how she felt at times so it would definitely take time.

"Okay. Everyone puts fifty in the pot and we have ourselves a wager." Rossi said as his eyes twinkled.

"You didn't bet?" JJ pointed out.

"I'm biding my time." He said slowly and walked away.

"Funny man, funny funny man." Garcia said as they watched him leave.

The rest of the team nodded in agreement. Rossi had many, many tricks up his sleeve.

"You understand why I need to tell you this, right?" Hotch said as he placed his hands on her desk.

She looked up at him and nodded. "You're telling me to work less on the case and sleep more."

"Exactly." He said and nodded. When he did that, some of his hair fell out of place and fell in front of his eyes. She had the strongest urge to put it back in its place, but refrained because that would be a little weird. Instead she processed what he had said and giggled.

"Yes boss." She replied as she started twirling in her chair.

He sighed and walked in front of her and grabbed the corner of her chair to stop her from spinning. She gulped as she stopped and was met with his face very close to hers. His arm was clutching the side of her chair on one side and her desk was on the other side. She was trapped. She glanced around and then back up at him. His hair was still falling in his face as he trapped her in a little bubble.

"You understand?" He asked lowly.

"Yes sir," she smirked then leaned forward to place her lips next to his ear. "Just because I understand, doesn't mean I'll do it." She whispered.

"You'll learn." He growled. She felt his breath fan her neck as he spoke. He then stood up straight and combed his fingers through his hair, neatening the stray pieces of hair Olivia had desperately wanted to fix. He glanced down at her and then walked away as if nothing happened, leaving her stunned in her chair.

"Olivia?" Spencer said not a few moments later as he approached his desk opposite to hers. "What's wrong?" He was walking back to his desk when he noticed her. She looked dazed and her cheeks had a faint tinge of pink on them. She bit her lip as she looked at him. "I- Nothing." She told him as she tried to busy herself with something on her desk.

She never really understood why someone said they had butterflies in their stomach.
That is, until now; because all she could focus on was that damn fluttery feeling she just couldn't seem to make go away.

Spencer looked at her, confused by her behavior. She usually wasn't this ... quiet.

Aaron walked confidently into his office. At least he hoped it appeared like that, his heart was beating a thousand miles a minute.

"Aaron." Rossi said as he emerged from the shadows of his office.

He flinched as Rossi practically snuck up on him. They took a seat at his desk.

"You look tense." Rossi pointed out.

"I-" he couldn't find the words.

"You know, it's not a bad thing. To move on, to feel again; to love again." Rossi carried on. Aaron looked up as he heard what he said. "You were divorced for over a year before she died. It's not a crime to move on."

"It's not that simple Dave." Aaron sighed as he leaned back in his chair.

"Oh but it is," Rossi grinned, "I admit, it might be a little too simple. I would know."

Aaron shook his head. "The phrase 'third times the charm' doesn't really fit with you."

Rossi nodded, "think about what I said Aaron. We don't choose to fall in love. Love chooses us." He stood up from his chair.

"Where is this coming from? I don't expect myself to fall in love with anyone anytime soon." Aaron questioned.

"But I do. Give it a chance Aaron." Rossi said as he reached the door. "You deserve it." And he left.

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