39 - pancakes and lingerie

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It had been a month since Hotch had been on medical leave and Olivia had just come back from a case. She was sleeping when she awoke to a small lump bouncing on the bed.

"Wake up daddy!" Jack said as he jumped around. "Wake up Livia."

"Hey Jack." She yawned and sat up.

He grinned and crawled towards her. She moved up a little so he could slip in next to Aaron, who was still sleeping. They all snuggled back into the covers and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Aaron woke up a few hours later, with a blonde mop in his face. He wondered for a split second whether Olivia had went out and dyed her hair before he fully opened his eyes. It was his son. He sat up and saw Jack cuddled in Olivia's arms and smiled. They looked so peaceful.

"Morning hun." Olivia said without opening her eyes. She knew Aaron was awake.

"Morning." Jack yawned and leapt up from Olivia's arms.

"Morning bud." Aaron greeted him. "Wanna go get ready? We can have pancakes for breakfast today."

"Yes!" He said and hopped off the bed and ran out the room. They could hear him scream 'pancakes' as he ran around the house. Olivia chuckled and Aaron pulled her on top of him.

"Good morning." He said softly and kissed her.

Her eyes sparkled as she smiled down at him. "Morning." She kissed him again and he smiled into the kiss. His hands ran down her sides and crept under her shirt; she giggled as his fingers trailed lightly up her stomach. Her hands found the familiar spot on his bare chest and she leaned into the kiss.

He sighed, "I could stay in this spot forever."

"Hmm. I wish. But Jack wants pancakes." She said and rolled off of him. She went and got ready in the bathroom and headed downstairs. Whilst he was in the shower, she started making pancakes whilst Jack did some colouring.

"Smells good in here." Aaron said as he walked into the kitchen. He ruffled Jacks hair and went to help Olivia with the pancakes. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, "need some help?" He asked as he tucked his chin into the crease of her neck.

"You're just distracting me. Go colour with your son." She said as she tried to flip a pancake.

He kissed her neck and left her to go spend time with Jack. "Hey bud, what are you colouring there?"

Jack showed him the picture of a train. "Wanna help daddy?"

"Sure." He said and sat down next to his son and grabbed some colour pencils.

"Pancakes." Olivia placed their plates in front of them and sat down opposite Aaron. They ate whilst Jack told them animatedly about school.

"So you're going back to work tomorrow, right?" Olivia questioned.

"Yes." Aaron nodded.

"You excited?"

He paused. "To see what we see? No. But to go back to work? Absolutely."

"Yes! I've missed you around the office." She said with a shy smile.

"Thank you for basically living with us for the past month. I don't think I would've made it without you."

"I had fun. Right Jack?" She said and watched the little boy shovel pancakes into his mouth. He nodded enthusiastically.

She just laughed and finished up eating her pancakes. When they were all done, she went to do the dishes when she felt Jack tug on her pant leg. "Are you going back home Livia?" He asked with adoring eyes.

"Yeah Jack. I haven't been back in quite a long time."

"So you're not going to live with us?"

She bent down so that they were at eye level and lightly held his shoulders. "No bud, but I will come visit a lot. How's that sound?"

He gave her a toothy grin. "Sounds good. As long as we bake more."

"All right. But no more flour fights."

"Deal." He nodded and hugged her. She squeezed him and let go and he went presumably to where his father was.

Just then, she heard the doorbell ring. "Aaron. You expecting anyone?" She asked him.

"No?" He said as he appeared next to her. She gripped her gun that was tucked away in her holster as she approached the door.

She opened it to see the team standing there with big grins on their faces.

"Good morning everyone." She greeted and let them into the house.

"Spencer went to your house and was surprised to find that you were not there." Rossi commented as he took a seat in the lounge with the rest of the teams

Olivia shook her head. "I left you two messages telling you that I wasn't home."

"I-" Spencer started, but he had nothing to defend himself with.

"Uh huh." She laughed. "Jack, come say hi." She called and heard his little feet run to them.

He said his hellos to everyone and settled in Derek's lap.

"You haven't moved in, have you?" JJ questioned.

Olivia blushed and looked at Aaron. "Nope. Just helping Aaron with Jack whilst he got better."

Penelope nodded suspiciously. "Well we were wondering whether you wanted to go shopping today." She said and gestured between herself, JJ and Emily.

"That'd be great." She perked up at that.

"There's a game on tonight, so we thought we'd hang around until then." Derek said distractedly, he was playing with Jack. "If that's okay."

"It's more than okay. You're welcome to stay for as long as you want." Hotch replied.

"Right." Emily said and stood up. "Let's go then."

"Okee dokes. See you later." She said and gave Aaron and kiss on the cheek and hugged Jack.

"You four have fun." Rossi said as he watched them leave.

The girls were walking around the mall, each with a bunch of bags on their arms. "Do you love him?" Emily asked out of the blue.

"It might be a little too early for that." Olivia replied as they entered a clothing store. "Why do you ask?"

"Because he's in love with you." JJ said as she held a dress against herself and looked in the mirror.

"No. You think?" Olivia inquired.

"Definitely." Penelope confirmed. "Ooh JJ that looks good on you."

"Here. For when you finally decide to sleep with him." JJ said and tossed Olivia what looked like lingerie.

Olivia gasped but then smiled innocently at the three girls. "No thank you, I have enough." She said simply and put the set back on the rack.

JJ just laughed while Emily and Penelope's jaw dropped at her reaction.

"Guys?" Olivia waves her hands around their faces. "Snap out of it."

Emily finally moved and nudged Penelope. "I can't believe you just said that." Penelope said and grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

Olivia just smiled and carried on perusing through the racks of clothing. She knew there had been more than one occasion where that could've happened, but they hadn't really talked about it.

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