It's him!

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Imma dedicated this to lemonwiththepuff again bcs your comments is absolutely precious and hilarious and they just made my day. That means a lot to me, Lu
P.s. if I could get 310 readers before Saturday evening, I might
consider double updating 😉
(It's Saturday 1 AM now)

It was another lonely night for me. It was currently Saturday Night, but for some odd reason, I feel like going to the store and get drunk at home instead of drinking in a bar. The store wasn't that far from my house, though it is indeed a couple of miles more than the bar. Not much, but still.

And since my broke-ass don't have a motorbike (moreover a car), I have no other choice but to walk. I grabbed a random leather jacket that on the rack, 'cry baby' printed clearly on the back. I was instantly engulfed in Ashton's scent, sending a weird feeling in my stomach.

Talking about Ashton, I haven't had any contact with Ashton since he left me a week ago.

I don't want to call or even just text him, no matter how desperate I am. Well, not yet I think. I mean, he did say it was stuff with his family, and by the tone he used when he received that call, 'the stuff' seems like dead-ass serious. He was so tense and cold, his jaw was clenched while his fist was balled tightly. I don't wanna be noisy and ask though I'm extremely curious since it took him so long to return.

Is he eventually got bored of me? Not to sound cocky or something, but I think that's not the case here. We were perfectly fine. We even made it clear that we're not just those normal one-night-stands. I'm not saying that we're dating or whatever because clearly it's not the case and I don't even want to put a label on us. We just fuck, more often than normal one-night-stand would, but still, we're nothing but... that. I couldn't even call us 'fuck buddies' too, since for all I know all fuck-buddies did is just fuck, and nothing else. But with us, we did talk, we get to know each other, and there are even also nights when we were together and just drink and joking around. We're more like... friends, that fuck almost daily. But I don't think we're a friends-with-benefits either, like I mean, ugh... I don't even know.

What am I on about?
Why do I even bother trying to put a label in our weird-ass friendship-relationship?

Fuck, I truly do need alcohol or else my brain will go wild. Maybe lit a joint or two too since I haven't smoked one in weeks.

I speed-up my walk, hurriedly taking a right turn, before crossing the road. A dimly lit store stood not so far away from me. I slowed down a bit when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, looking at my surrounding before taking it out from my pocket.

Ash: Lu, where are you?
Ash: Lu
Ash: Lu, answer!
Ash: Lu, ffs!
Ash: Luuu...

Lu: Geez, Ashton. What's up?

Ash: Where are you?
Ash: Are you at home?
Ash: Please tell me you are

Lu: 'M on my way to the
store down the road
Lu: What's the matter?

Ash: Fuck, Lu
Ash: Get to the store ASAP
Ash: or hide!

Lu: Hide? Why should I?

Ash: typing...

As I waited for his reply, loud voices yelling "it's him, it's him" was heard. I turned my body around just at the same time I was tacked to the pavement. I yelped in pain, as the body locking me in place. One of them yanked my hair, forcing my face up to face them. I was met with a crowd of people, all using white outfit along with a mask to cover their faces. I tried to scream for help, but it feels like my vocal cord wasn't there and my throat was squeezed shut. I tried to break free, but it seems like it was also no use.

"It's him!"

"We should bring him to Azrael."

"Right, he would be more than happy to finally kill this disgrace"

"C'mon, before that thing safe him again,"

"Is there any sign of him?"


"Good, c'mon!"

Fuck, am I gonna be raped? Murdered? Kidnapped? Or all?
Oh god, I just want alcohol and weed, for fuck sake, I don't want to be with these weird-ass people.

They dragged me towards a dark alley and a black van was waiting there. As they were opening the van's door, a loud voice echoed through the dark.


"Jesus! He's here, hurry, hurry!"

"Fucking drop him or I'll shoot any of you!"

These creeps seem to freeze, before quickly shoving me into the van again. I heard a loud gunshot, the person that was holding my head, falling helplessly. The other hurriedly grabbing something from behind their cape, but my life safer was faster and shot them all, making each of them falling helplessly to the ground.

I can feel tears falling down freely from my eyes, the scene in front of me shocking me badly. He walked towards me, making me sobbed even harder. Just now that I realise that my vocal cord was back to work.

"Lu, baby, it's me, you're fine. C'mere" I shook my head rapidly, pressing my body towards the van even more.

"Babe, look at me. Hey, it's me, Ash. C'mere, princess, I wouldn't hurt you,"

"A-As- Ash?"

"Yes, Lu, it's me. C'mere, princess,"

I hesitantly grabbed his extended hand, feeling him swiftly pulling me towards his chest, embracing me in his warmth. I sobbed even louder, going hysterical while fisting his shirt as tight as possible.

"Shh... you're fine, I'm here, we're fine."

"They... they..."

"Don't think about them, just focus on your breathing, Lu. In through your nose, out through your mouth, follow me, Lu" He pushed my ear to his left chest, breathing steadily for me to follow. I shakily try to do so, in through my nose, out through my mouth, in through my nose, out through my mouth.

"There you go, Lu. Easy, isn't it?"

"T- Take me home, pl- please. Ju- just take me home,"

"Alright, baby, c'mon,"

He guided me towards his car, all of my height leaning on him. I can't feel my body. All of my limbs were shaking like a leaf. He opened the passenger's side door, pushing me inside gently before buckling me up. He shut the car door before jogging to the other side. He got into the driver seat, buckling himself up before starting the car. His hand instantly found its way on my thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze as he drove towards my house.

"Are they... are they dead?" I shakily asked.

"No, baby. They just passed out for an hour or so,"

"But- but, the gunshot, you shot them, they- they..."

"Shh, babe. Just relax, they're not dead okay? I didn't kill them, they're okay."


"Shh, just rest your eyes. We'll be there soon,"


Uh... Hi?? 😳

Sorry for the sudden drop
of the bomb 🤭 Just wanna let you know that shit about to get so serious now 🙃

Good luck!!!


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