⚠️ For the Sake of Love ⚠️

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I've decided what story that Imma publish next and it was also based on what you guys voted, so it's say hi to: FOR THE SAKE OF LOVE.

I've also published the fair warning and the prologue. The first chapter gonna be up tomorrow :)

Story description:
"It's for the sakes of my reputation"

"More like 'for the sakes of love'. We both know it's more than that."

"What? No, it's not"

"I can see you falling, Ash. There's no need to lie"

"Shut up, Mike"

"Just stop denying it. Either get him or get over him. You've been hurt enough anyway,"

"I just want to be loved and to be in love."

What about you, Ash?" Bleta asked.


"Yeah, you. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I got one."

So, yeah...
Go over there and spread the words
Please, help me promote this

The sooner I reach my daily goals, the sooner the new chapters gonna be up.

Vote and comments too, please

Sorry if I ask too much from you guys, but you know that writing is hard and took tons of time, so please...
Just vote and comments and spread the words, it wasn't that hard now, was it?

I love you all
xoxo 🧡

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