I'm sorry

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My dad rushed into the room, eyes wide and full of rage and concern.

"Luke, what happened?"

"Dad, please, help Ashton, wake him up, I don't wanna be alone again, please. Do anything, I want him back,"

"Luke, Luke, what happened?"

"E- Elijah came. He- he threatened me and then forced me to make a deal. I was- I was taking too long to answer and- and he pointed the gun at me but then- but then Ashton came in and he- he shot him instead and- and he tried to kill Michael and Calum too but- but Michael spell the bullet and- and make it backfire to Elijah and- and Ashton, dad, he's not breathing, he got no pulse and no spell would work on him. Dad, please, do something, anything, wake him up, please, I don't wanna be alone again, please dad, I'm begging you,"

"Alright, alright, I'll try. Did he use a specific bullet?"

"Y- yeah,"

"Okay, Michael form your healing spell again, Calum bring then green crystal on my desk, we'll do it together okay?"

"Understood, You're Majesty"

Calum transported himself to my dad's room, before coming back second later. They sat in a triangle, with me and Ash in the centre. Dad started to mumbled some things, Michael following along as Calum put the crystals all around us. He sat down behind me, before joining the two with the spell. I sobbed even louder when feeling no difference even after all of these.

"He's getting colder, it's not working," I chocked out brokenly.

"There's only one option left," My dad said seriously,

"What's it?

"Are you sure, Luke? It'll tie you to him for forever and no one but death can tear it apart,"

"Anything, dad. I would do anything,"

"Slit your wrist and drink the blood to Ashton. It'll mate you both and you'll be tied officially, like a marriage but much stronger because divorce is not a choice."

"But- but dad, he- he doesn't love me like that,"

"It's either that or he died for real, we have a few minutes left, it's your choice. I couldn't hold his soul for any longer,"

I contemplated the option deeply, though I know this is what I want, but is this what Ashton wants? We'll be married and there's no divorce because I basically tied our souls together until dead tear us apart.

"Luke, he loves you, mate. I'm sure he'll be more than fine with it if that's what you're concerning." Michael said softly,

"But Michael, what if he doesn't want it?"

"That dude basically jumped from his seat when your dad give him the green light, I can assure you that he loves you just as much as you love him, if not more that is,"

"... A- Alright then,"

"Slit your wrist and tipped it into Ashton's mouth, I'll read the spell." My dad said.

"What if it's not working?"

"Do you love Ashton?"

"I do, what kind of question is that?"

"Strengthen your resolve, focus your mind on Ashton and only Ashton,"

"O- okay..."

Calum handed me the crystal, the sharp tip glimmering beautifully. I dipped it into my skin, slicing my wrist carefully but deep enough to make the blood drool out. I tipped it into Ashton's mouth, watching the droplets of blood filling Ashton's mouth. I leant my body to him, hugging him as I cried again. Please work, please work, I don't know what I would do if I lose him, please work.

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