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McKenna Prentiss | December 21, 2017

"Hey Kenna!" He greets as he enters my house, my mom trailing behind him, a huge grin on her face.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" I ask, running to him to engulf him in a hug.

"Just wanted to drop by, see how you're doing!" He exclaims, getting thrown off at first when I hugged him.

"Sure Styles, you just wanted to drop by." I tease once we pull away from the hug, punching his shoulder.

"I wanted to see how my favorite Prentiss is doing." He shrugged, then turned to my mom, "So Atasha, how are you?"

He grinned cheekily at my mom, which made her swoon over him, giggling like a teenager in high school.

"You're such a kiss-ass Styles!" I punch his shoulder again, to which he pouts, then fake winces. Seriously?

"Atasha would you tell your daughter to stop treating me like a punching bag?" He whines, which earns a glare from me, and a disapproving look from my mom.

"Cut it out Kenna!" She scolds, to which Harry smirks at.

"But- I-" I tried to defend myself, but my mom cut me off before I even started

"No buts, now Harry," she turns to Harry who was sitting on the island chair, "What can we do for you?"

"I just wanted to see how Kenna's doing with her song writing! Get some done before Christmas." He smiles, then turns to me, his smile never leaving his face. What's got him in such a good mood?

"I'll leave you to it then!" My mom says, turning to leave for her office, but she turns around and faces Harry again, "Are you staying for dinner, Harry?"

"I'd love to Atasha!" He smiles, and my mom nods in response. As soon as my mom leaves, he turns to me with the biggest grin.

"Ha-ha your mom likes me." He teases, sticking out his tongue like a child.

"She likes everyone." I shrug, paying no mind to his digs.

"She likes me more than you." He scoffs, and I just laugh. Sure Harry.

"So, let's head to the studio, yeah?" I ask, and he nods, jumping off the island chair and walking with me to the studio.

As soon as we enter the studio, he plops right onto the couch, hands behind his head, feet propped on the edge of the couch.

"Yes Harry, feel at home!" I say sarcastically to which he just smiles lazily at me.

"So, how's song writing going?" He asks, while I sat right at the producers chair, turning it so I could face him.

"Eh, it's going." I shrug, and he looks at me confused, sitting up, "To be honest I've been singing songs of other people than songs of my own. It's hard to write without my favorite writing buddy."

I pouted at him, which earns a huge grin from him, and he flicks his imaginary hair back, looking at me smugly.

"I am the best." He says cockily, I roll my eyes and laugh, "Admit it though! I am the best!"

"Sure you are!" I exclaim sarcastically, reaching for the throw pillow behind me and throwing it at him.

"You've been getting violent Prentiss! I should sue you for physical harassment!" He jokes, throwing back the throw pillow to which I catch, and narrow my eyes at him.

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