Chapter two: astronomy

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"Oh, tell me something I don't already know"
- song: Ever Since New York by Harry Styles

AS OPHELIA MADE HER WAY to the Astronomy tower her body collided with another person.

"Oh my god I'm sorry!" She said with flushed cheeks.

Then she saw the person she ran into.

"It's alright Ophelia," The boy who lived told her. Harry and Ophelia weren't too close of friends, but they did talk every once in a while.

She then remembered how he had gotten detention earlier from talking out in Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"How was detention with Umbitch?" Potter looked at her confused "It's my new nickname for Umbridge" she explained with a slight chuckle.

"Oh," he laughed lightly "Uh it was alright."

Ophelia could tell he was lying but she didn't want him to get upset by telling him she knew that something had happen, knowing that he would say it was nothing.

"Well just make sure you don't get anymore," he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck "I gotta head out, I'll see you later!" She said to harry.

Ophelia walked into the Astronomy tower along with some of her fellow classmates. There were desks around the room, the brunette looked up to see the night sky. She looked back around the tower and saw Macy and Lillian and walked towards them.

"Okay we're going to do something different for seating this year," The Professor says making the students stop talking "We are going to place you by your zodiac signs." Ophelia anxiously chewed on her bottom lip. Her birthday was June 1st meaning she was a Gemini. However Macy was a Leo, and Lillian was an Aries. Sure Ophelia had other friends in the class but she much rather be with them. "Over here we have the Aquarius sign," the Professor said then continued telling who seat where and there partners. Ophelia pushed her glasses up and waited.


"Next are the Geminis." She glanced around the room to see her possibly partner as the Professor was naming off names "Ophelia and Draco," she held back a smile that she felt come on her lips, she didn't know why she wanted to smile though. The pair made there way to there desk and sat down.

"When's your birthday?" She asked the blond haired boy sitting to her left.

"June 5th," he told her in a bored voice "What about you?"

"June 1st." The hufflepuff smiled "haha I'm older." She taunted him, he just rolled his eyes.

"Only by like 4 days." He couldn't help but give her his famous smirk.

    Ophelia looked up at the night sky. A smile came onto her face, she loved the stars. 

"Alright everyone, get out some type of notebook or parchment paper and something to write with." Ophelia reached down to her bag and pulled out her notebook, which was filled with random things. Some being notes for class, drawings, things to remember, pictures, and other some what important information, nothing too personal. She sat the journal on the desk, Draco looked over at it.

"That's cute, you have a diary." He told her in a sarcastic tone.

"It's not a diary," She looked at him while her face burned with red "It's a journal."

Draco let out a short chuckle "Same thing."

"It's not, but whatever." She says looking away from him. He rolled his eyes once more and moved his attention to the teacher, who was explaining what they would be doing this year.

"Now I want you to write down your sign, it's element, and it's constellation name." Ophelia opened her book and flipped to the next clean page and began writing down the information. "We will use this for you project you and your partner will be doing in a few weeks."

"I don't want to do a project," Ophelia muttered to no one in particular, folding her hands on her lap as she finished writing.

"Me neither four eyes." Malfoy looked at the girl next to him.

     Ophelia wanted to laugh at how pathetic the insult was. She wanted to tell him to try harder, that he could do much better then 'four eyes'. She glanced over at him and rolled her eyes, letting out a light snicker. "Very original." she muttered as the sarcasm dripped out of her mouth.

She's the type of person who laughs at her self and not take anything people say too seriously. She knows her flaws and when people make comments on them she's not gonna go cry about it, instead she try's to not let it get to her. Yes, she is insecure like most teenagers, she just doesn't show it much. She just doesn't want people to worry about her or let them know they have succeeded in hurting her so putting on a smile and a fake laugh even if its been a bad day is something she's just used to. Not that Malfoys insults are original, he's used most of them before its just the fact that the things he says are true. She knows this and it bothers her for some reason.


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