Chapter twenty six: summer letter

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"Will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie?"
-song: Are You Bored Yet? By Wallows and Clairo

THE END OF the school year came to quickly for Ophelia's liking. She was slowly throwing things in her suitcase while humming Heart Of Glass. She was completely dreading going home, knowing what was in store. She closed her case and pulled the latches shut. She pushed up her glasses up her nose and sighed.

Another thing she wasn't looking forward too was the fact she probably wasn't going to be able to see Draco much this summer. He had told her he would write, but there was little to no chance they would be able to actually see each other without doing it in secret. They still hadn't told their parents they were seeing each other, and they weren't planning on doing so any time soon.

She pulled her suitcase from off the bed and started to make her way out to her common room.


"You promise to write?" Ophelia asked Draco as he leaned onto the outside of a door of one of the train compartments.

"I promise." He chuckled while grabbing her hands "If I find a way to see you, I'll let you know okay?"

She nodded "You can go and sit with your friends now." She said motioned her head towards the compartment she watched his friends go into.

He shook his head "And let my girlfriend sit alone?" He looked down at her "No way."

She blushed and smiled "I don't think I would sit alone, but whatever helps you sleep at night." She let out a soft laugh as Malfoy rolled his eyes.

He stood straight from leaning against entrance to the empty sitting area and opened the door "After you," He said in a joking tone. She shook her head and walked into the compartment. She sat down next to the window "I'll miss you this summer," He mumbled as he sat down next to her.

"I'll miss you too." she breathed out while leaning her head on his shoulder. "You won't forget about me right?"

Draco scoffed "I would never." he grabbed her hand and stayed silent for a moment "I can tell that next year," He stopped trying to find the right words "Is going to be different," he bit the inside of his cheek "But don't worry, we'll be okay."

Ophelia didn't understand why next year would be different, but she just pushed that thought to the side and enjoyed the peaceful train ride.


"Bye love," Malfoy muttered as he hugged Ophelia, the train had just stopped, though they decided it would be best to say goodbye still on the train, knowing that Draco's mother would see them if they didn't.

"Bye Draco." She sighed as they pulled away. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. "jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions." She told him.

"jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions" He repeated with a smile.

They began to follow the crowd kids out the doors of the train. Draco tapped her on the shoulder as they stepped outside "Goodbye," He mouthed with a smirk. She grinned and waved as he walked away.



The summer was off to a boring start. Ophelia sat on her bed in her room as she re read Hamlet for what felt like the tenth time that month. Her attention quickly moved from her book, to the tapping sound on her window. She put down her novel before she reached over to open her window. She smiled as a familiar owl sat on the ledge. She grabbed the letter that was in it's mouth "Thank you." Ophelia said to the Owl before shutting the window.

She knew it was from Malfoy, just by the way her name was printed on the top. They hadn't written to each other too much -Draco claimed that the reason was that he was busy- but Ophelia didn't mind too much.

She leaned back into her pillows as she tared open the note.


Dear Woodlock,

I am so sorry for not writing as much as you do to me. I miss you lots though. I hope you are keeping your self occupied by reading and listening to your music.

I have been thinking about you a lot recently, I want to see you, but I don't think that's an option at the moment, and I'm sorry for that.

I'll write you again soon,



It was short, but Ophelia didn't care, she wouldn't even mind if he just wrote one sentence, as long as she was hearing from him, it was ok. Though it was nothing to what she would send him. Her letters would be paragraph, after paragraph, sometimes even pages long. But that's because she would pour her thoughts out onto the note, knowing that she could tell Draco anything.

She hoped he knew he could do the same.

The next chapter will be another summer one, then we'll be in year 6....


French line: till we meet again (jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions)

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