Chapter twenty: just the beginning

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"The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine"
-song: Cherry Wine - Live by Hozier

    "CRUCIO!" The cloaked man screamed, making a red light flash from his wand and onto the poor middle aged women also known as Juliet Woodlock.

    "No! MUM!" Little Ophelia screeched at the top of her lungs "STOP YOU'RE HURTING HER!" She sobbed out, trying to squirm out of the grip of a tall old man who happened to be holding a wand to the 11 year olds neck.

    The next thing the little Woodlock saw was a bright green light coming from the mans wand and onto her mother.

    Ophelia shot up from her bed, clutching her heart. She clenched her eyes shut as she tried to steady her breathing.

    It was one of those nightmares where you wished you could say it was fake, and that it was just a dream. But it wasn't fake at all actually, It did happen, in fact it was extremely real and still traumatized Ophelia still to this day.

    She looked over at the clock, which read 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Ophelia should have known better then to take a nap in the middle of the day. She always seemed to get weird or horrible dreams when she napped. But she couldn't help herself, she was extremely tired and stressed, she needed to sleep.

    She slowly swung her legs over the side of her bed and stood up.

    She put her head in her hands as she sighed. Ophelia needed to take a long walk to clear her head.

    Her white converse -that were very loosely tied- stepped on the cold November dried up ground as she walked along the path near the lake. She hugged her arms together, trying to feel some type of warmth through her uniform robe.

    "Ophelia are you alright?"

    She turned around and smiled at the boy who lived.

    "Yeah," she nodded, though she didn't really look like it. "Are you?"

    Harry cleared his throat while nodding his head slightly "I'm fine."

    "Want to take a walk?" She knew for a fact if Draco were to see her and Potter alone he wouldn't be happy, but Ophelia wanted to talk to someone, and Harry seemed to be the one to do that with.

    "Alright." He agreed and walked closer to Woodlock's side as they started to walk. "How have you been?" He questioned as he looked at the ground.

    "Fine," Ophelia chewed on her lip as she anxiously decided to say the next thing "You know I believe you right? like with the whole you know who thing," She furrowed her eyebrows as she spoke "I just feel like you should know that."

    She heard Harry sigh "Thanks," he muttered "Though I wish more people did."

    She bit the inside of her cheek "They will, soon" she glanced over at him "It will just take time," she smiled "And when they do you can tell them You told them so"

    Harry laughed "I'll make sure to do that." He joked as Ophelia chuckled lightly.

    They was a pause of silence before she spoke again "And Harry," she cleared her throat "If you ever need help with anything tell me and I'll be there ok?"

    Potter smiled and nodded "Thank you Ophelia."

    "No you're saying it wrong," Ophelia laughed as she looked over at Draco. The pair sat next to each other in the Astronomy tower, looking at the stars, with their legs dangling down from the dangerous high ledge. The only thing keeping them from possibly falling were the railings. Their hands were interlocked together as they talked.

    "Uh I'm pretty sure I'm right," Malfoy said trying to keep a straight face "I say it like it says to in the book!" He explained to the girl who just laughed.

    "Ok whatever you want to think." She mumbled lightly, yet knew that she was saying the French phrase right, unlike him.

    "I saw you with Potter today." Draco said Harry's last name with such disgust in his voice "Why were you with him?"

    Ophelia shrugged "He's my friend Draco," She told him, trying to find eye contact with the blond "Friends are allowed to talk." She watched as Malfoy rolled his eyes. "And don't be so jealous, it's not like you and I are actually dating." She muttered the last part under her breath, though Draco heard it loud and clear.

    "I don't like it when you're around him."

    "And I'm sure him and the rest of my friends don't like that I'm hanging around you all the time."

    "Well I like it when you hang around me." He murmured softly, making butterflies fly around in her stomach.

    He looked at her and smirked, knowing she liked it when he said that kind of thing.

    Draco then pressed his lips against hers, that being the first time since the day in the rain. Ophelia smiled as Malfoy deepened the kiss, placing his free hand on her jaw. Draco knew he had her wrapped around his finger. And in all honesty, she had him wrapped around her own as well.

    Oh but little did they know this was just the beginning.

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