Chapter thirty seven: no more secrets

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She lives in daydreams with me"
-songs: She by Harry Styles

      "THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENT?" Ophelia asked as Draco led her to the blank wall on the seventh floor. "Why are we here?" she looked at him confused.

      "I don't want to keep any more secrets from you." he replied as took a breath, knowing he would have to tell her. The whole truth.

      Ophelia watched as he closed his eyes and began to walk back and forth three times.

      Draco opened his eyes as the familiar door appeared. He placed a hand on her lower back and led her into the room.

      "I haven't been in here since last year." she muttered as she looked around. She knotted her eyebrows together "Why did you imagine this place?" she asked "It's a mess." she scrunched her nose as her eyes danced around the room. Objects were scattered everywhere, an old worn out couch was pushed up against a cleared out space on the wall. Random patterned carpets were laid out on the ground. She looked at Draco "Why are we here?"

      He breathed out a weak sigh "You can't get mad." He knew she was going to be upset, but he really couldn't blame her. He would be angry as well.

      Ophelia tilted her to the side "I won't."

      Draco took her hand and led her further into the room. He stopped once they were in front of a large mysterious wardrobe looking thing. "This," he said while letting go of her hand. "Is a Vanishing Cabinet." he chewed on his lip and looked at her "I've been mending it."

      "Why?" she asked.

     Draco paused for a moment. He looked away from her "I don't want to tell you." he muttered.

     She looked up at his sad eyes. She grabbed his right hand and began to fidget with the Slytherin crest that was wrapped around his ring finger. "You can tell me." her voice was calm, even though she knew that she probably wouldn't like the answer.

      Draco looked up at her ocean blue eyes through her wired glasses, nerves clearly showing on his face. Ophelia motioned to the sofa encouraging him to take a seat. She grabbed both his shaking hands in her own and led him to the beaten up cushions. They took a seat, Draco still shaking yet now more than ever.

He knows. He knows he has to tell her.

      He feels the warmth of her presence, circling him, engulfing him in comfort and safety. He feels ready, ready to spill all the truth and horrors of his intentions. She can see it in his eyes. He was about to crack.

      "He gave me an ultimatum. Either I kill Dumbledore or he kills me." He doesn't want to look at her, fearful of her horrified reaction, the fear of rejection making his stomach churn with worry.

      Ophelia reached forward, her hands caress his cheek, her eyes watery not with hatred though. More with worry and fear for her Slytherin Prince. She knows he won't do it, she knows he doesn't have the strength to do it. To kill someone? To take away an innocent life? Only the heartless of heartless could do that. Draco? Never.   

"Wow. Um, that's a lot to take in." She sees him start to get more anxious, knee bouncing, jaw clenching, muscles tightening and untightening.

      It almost scared her, seeing him unhinge like this, of course she's seen him worry. But about the silly things, tests, friends, quidditch games. But never something so serious. To others Draco was cool, calm and collected. To her? To her he was sweet, delicate, and cheesy. He was slowly breaking, the weight of life finally crashing down, crushing him, suffocating him. It was heartbreaking to see, to watch unfold.

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