Chapter seventeen: going soft

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"I was only walking through your neighborhood
Saw you out loud honey in the cold I stood
Anywhere I go there you are"
-song: Fire and the Flood by Vance Joy

"WELL WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO AFTER GRADUATION?" Draco asked Ophelia as they sat on a bench near the lake.

Over the past two weeks they have found themselves almost longing for each other's company. Nothing was really awkward between the two -well beside the fact that they always seem to be blushing- they just understood each other. They had a similar sense of humor and could make insults about one other and laugh about it. Though neither have realized the feelings they had for each other we mutual.

"Uh I'm not sure, that's like two years from now," She tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows together as she thought "I'll definitely move away from home, probably somewhere like London," she smiled at the thought "Yeah I wanna live in London."

"Why London?" Draco asked with a slight laugh to his tone.

"Well why not?"

"Because out of all the places you could live in you chose that?"

"Yes, have you ever been to London before?" She asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, have you?"

She shook her head "Yeah but it's been a while" She looked over at him "I think I would like to live in a big city you know?" He nodded his head.

"Where is it that you live now then?"

"Wiltshire, England." She subconsciously fidgeted with the string on her ripped jeans.

Draco chuckled and smiled "Ha, I live there too."

"What a small world." She said with a funny grin, making Malfoy shake his head at the phrase. She pushed her glasses up "What about you?"

"Well what about me?"

"What do you wanna do after we graduate?"

"Uh I don't know I'll probably just work in the Ministry, I don't think I'll really get a choice." Draco knew what his future had in store, it was quite obvious that with the Dark Lords return what he would have to do. Of course Ophelia didn't need to know that.

Woodlock hummed in response "Well the Ministry could be fun."

Draco let out a short chuckle and scrunched his nose "Uh I'm not sure about that."

"You're just stubborn, if you find something you enjoy at the Ministry it could be fun." She said while running her hand through her hair.

Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes "I'm the stubborn one?"

"Oh shut up." She laughed and nudged his shoulder "As much as I would like the stay at here, I need to get going." She had a D.A meeting. She knew that Draco was starting to catch on about the whole thing, though he never asked about it. He didn't like how much time she was spending with the Gryffindors.

Draco frowned "Why must you hang out with Potter and his friends all the time?"

Ophelia stood up and took a deep breath "Why must you hang out with Nott and Zabini all the time?" She smiled as she watched Malfoy give her an annoyed face "jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions" she said while she turned around.

"Was that French?" Draco asked with wide eyes as he watched her walk away.

"Yep!" She called out to him. She turned around to face him yet still walked backwards "It means till we meet again." Ophelia gave him a big smile and turned back around, walking back to the castle.

He shook his head and felt a playful grin tug at his lips. His chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying to ignore how fast his heart was beating.

He was going soft for her.


"Ok so you can speak French, what other secret talents have you been hiding" Malfoy questioned as the pair sat in Charms class. Surprisingly they both finished their assignment early and didn't have anything else to do.

"Well I can skateboard,"

Draco lowered his eyebrows confused "What's that?" He leaned back into his chair and looked at the girl.

"Oh it's this really cool muggle thing," she sat up straight and faced him "It's like this wood board with four little wheels, and you have to balance on it." Another thing that her Mother taught her when she was young. Merlin she missed her dearly.

"That sounds awful."

Ophelia rolled her eyes "c'est en fait très amusant connard"

Draco smirked "Ok that's not fair, you can't just start speaking in French now," he placed his elbows on the table "What did you say?"

"See it won't be funny if you know," she laughed at his pissed off expression on his face.

He rolled his eyes "It's not funny."

"It's hilarious, because now I can just say random shit and you won't know what I'm saying."

Now Ophelia isn't completely fluent in the language, but her father is and taught her and her sister from a young age. Her father grew up in France and went to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, until he moved to England when he was 13 and started going to Hogwarts.

"Not if I learn it too."

So that's exactly what he did.

"tu es très jolie aujourd'hui"

Ophelia's eyes widen and she turned around to face the blond in the crowded hallway "W-Where did you learn that?" She asked with a flustered face. She watched as the smirk on Draco's face widen.

He shrugged his shoulders "I read a book" he casually shoved his hands into his pockets. "I'm still learning though, it's only been like 2 days since I started, I'm only on chapter 4." He turned his head to side for a moment, watching the people walk past them. "How do you even know French anyway?" He said turning his attention back to her.

"My fathers mum is from a long line of some type of a France PureBlood family and so my dad grew up there," she paused for a second "But he moved to England when he was like 13 or something."

"I'm going to be late for class," Draco ran his hand through his blond hair "See you later?"

She nodded and smiled "Yeah bye," he walked pasted her though turned around for a quick second.

"I meant what I said earlier," his smirk went back into his face and he winked "You do look pretty today." And with that he turned around.

She knotted her eyebrows, she didn't feel very pretty. She was in her school robes and converses. Her hair was tied into a low messy ponytail with a hair tie that had a small wildflower pinned on it, and of course she had her big glasses on. 'Maybe it was a joke' she thought to herself. Or maybe it wasn't.

Ophelia bit back a smile and chuckled. She really does have a serious crush on that boy.

Ok so I don't speak French nor to I know how to, but i thought it would be fun to have Ophelia know some. That being said all the stuff that was said in the chapter I just did a translator thing on google so I'm pretty sure all the French is right, if it's not plz tell me!

-The first French line (jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions) means "Till we meet again"

-The second French line (c'est en fait très amusant connard) means "It's actually a lot of fun asshole"

-the third French line (tu es très jolie aujourd'hui) means "You look very pretty today"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I was trying to make it more Draco and Ophelia focused

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